- Relations Navigator
- Displays the various links that exist between a selected PPR
object and other PPR objects (product, item, system,
operation, and resource).
- See Navigating Relations.
- Relational Explorer
- Displays the various links that exist between a selected PPR object and other PPR
objects (product, item, system, operation, and
PPR objects displayed in the Relational
Explorer panel are references (not
instances). Objects of some types (such as resources or
operations) are explored as root objects, and their
parent hierarchy is not retrieved.
See Relations.
- PPR Smart Completion
- Automatically completes a PPR structure.
EBOM to MBOM partial scopes are
- See Completing a PPR Structure Automatically.
- PPR User Defined Completion
- Completes a PPR structure using user-defined criteria.
- See Executing a User-Defined Completion.
- PPR User Defined Open
- Opens an authoring session by invoking a procedure.
- See Executing a User-Defined Open.
- PPR User Defined Explore
- Explores additional PPR objects within the spreadsheet by
invoking a procedure.
- See Exploring with User-Defined Explore.
- User Defined Procedures
- Deploys User-Defined Open procedures.
- See Managing Procedures Interactively.
- Compare PPR Entities
- Compares different versions of the same PPR object or
different filters of the same PPR structure.
- See Comparing Different Versions of a PPR Object and Comparing Filters of the Same PPR Structure.
- Create From
- Duplicates one or more PPR objects and their related
structures by:
- Choosing a profile (options specified in an xml
- Or setting one or more options in a panel.
- See Creating PPR Objects from a Profile or Options.
- Fetch Documents and Relations Using Index
- Fetches documents and relations by using the index
- By default, this command is activated. Click the command to
deactivate it and fetch documents and relations by using the
database queries. The settings are persistent for the next