
The options available in the toolbar depend on the object in focus.

This page discusses:

Common Toolbar Commands

The toolbar always provides commands for saving, cutting and pasting, refreshing, and stepping through the history of changes.

Tool Keyboard Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Z Undoes the last edit.
Ctrl + Shift + Z Restores to the previous state.
Ctrl + S Saves all modifications to the topic.

The disk icon turns blue during the process and shows as gray when complete.

Refresh the topic content.
Ctrl + X Cuts the selected content from a topic and copies it to the clipboard.
Ctrl + C Copies the selected content to the clipboard.
Ctrl + V Pastes the clipboard content into the topic, retaining the original formatting.
Ctrl + Shift + V Pastes the clipboard content into the topic as plain text.
Opens the Edit Element ID dialog box.

Toolbar Commands for a Document Map

For a document map, the toolbar provides access to commands for managing the topics in the map.

Tool Keyboard Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Enter Adds a new, blank topic according to the selected action. For more information, see Creating Topics.
Lets you search for an existing topic to add as a child of the selected map or topic. For more information, see Editing Maps.
Inserts a content reference to a topic in the current document map at the current location.

The app creates an element of the type you selected, with a reference to the selected item. It does not copy the selected topic into the current topic. Publishing the document inserts the value of the content reference into the published document.

Toolbar Commands for a Topic

For topics, the topic provides access to commonly used commands, according to the content in focus. The Insert menu provides additional options.

Tool Keyboard Shortcut Description
Paragraph > Preformatted Text Converts a paragraph into preformatted text.
Preformatted Text > Paragraph Converts preformatted text into a paragraph. Removes any multiple spaces and line breaks.
Inserts a bulleted list.

Shows in blue if the current element uses this format.

Inserts a numbered list.

Shows in blue if the current element uses this format.

Ctrl + B Bolds the selected text.

Shows in blue if the selected text uses this format.

Ctrl + I Italicizes the selected text.

Shows in blue if the selected text uses this format.

Ctrl + U Underlines the selected text.

Shows in blue if the selected text uses this format.

Ctrl + K Inserts a link to a web or email address. For more information, see Add a Reference to an External Link.
Inserts a cross-reference to another topic. For more information, see Add a Reference to a Topic.
Inserts a table at the cursor's location. The app adds a default table layout that includes a row for column headings, with two rows and two columns. For more information, see Creating Tables.
Inserts an image at the cursor's current location. Author supports GIF, SVG, PNG, and JPEG image formats.

You can add an image from the list of available files or as defined by a key. For more information, see Working with Images.

For table cells only. Left-align the cell.
For table cells only. Center-align the cell.
For table cells only. Right-align the cell.
For table cells only. Justify the cell.
For table cells only. Top-align the cell.
For table cells only. Middle-align the cell.
For table cells only. Bottom-align the cell.
For table cells only. Inserts a column to the left.
For table cells only. Inserts a column to the right.
For table cells only. Inserts a row above.
For table cells only. Inserts a row below.
For table cells only. Deletes this column.
For table cells only. Deletes this row.
For table cells only. Merges the selected table cells.
For table cells only. Adds a header and description above the table.
For table cells only. Adds a footer below the table.