Defining Compatibility Matrices for Connections

As an Administrator, you can create compatibility matrices to be used to allow heterogeneous connections. These connections concern functional flows, software interfaces, and hardware ports connections.

These matrices are used to verify if a connection creation is allowed. If no compatibility rule is defined in any matrix, the default policy applies.

Before you begin: The user must have created functional flows, software interfaces, or hardware ports.
See Also
About Preferences
About Functional Connection
About Hardware Connection
About Software Connection

Environment: On premises only

  1. From the Global section of the action bar, click Preferences .
  2. In the Connections Compatibility nodes, select a category, click Add , and search for elements to define their connection compatibility matrix.

    Depending on the domain, the respective commands are as follows:

    Category Corresponding command In the Preferences dialog box
    Functional Flows Add flows Flows are displayed as a matrix
    Software Interfaces > Sender Receiver Interfaces Add sender receiver interfaces Senders and receivers are displayed as a matrix
    Software Interfaces > Client Server Interfaces Add client server interfaces Clients and servers are displayed as a matrix
    Hardware Types by Link Technology Add hardware types Types are displayed as a matrix

  3. To define the compatibility matrix, select or clear check boxes in this matrix.

    • The check boxes are selected for compatible types. By default, the diagonal check boxes are selected.
    • The direction of a connection is taken into account for compatibility, so the following elements constrain the direction of the connection:
      • Functional: Out and In ports
      • Software: Sender and receiver interfaces or client and server interfaces
      • Hardware: Multiplexed connectors except wired connector types