Inserting an Existing Protective Covering

You can place over electrical segments a protective covering that is retrieved from the database, a catalog, or a library.

Before you begin: Create a protective covering reference.
See Also
About Protective Coverings
Linking Protective Coverings
  1. From the Protection section of the action bar, click Protective Covering .
    The Instantiate Protective Covering dialog box appears.
  2. To retrieve a protective covering, select one of the following selection modes:
    • From Library, and then use the Library Editor.
      Note: This is the default option. For more information about libraries, see Working with General Libraries.
    • From database, and then use the Content Chooser to retrieve a protective covering from the database or from your session.

      For more information, see Using the Content Chooser.

    • From catalog, and then click Browse to retrieve a protective covering from a catalog.
      Note: For more information about catalogs, see Design IP Classification User's Guide.
  3. Select a Placement mode:
    • Standard
      Note: By default, this mode is selected.
    • Length
    • Center

    Note: For more information about placement modes, see Inserting a New Protective Covering.

  4. In work area, select a segment.

The protective covering is placed over the selected segment and appears under the Protection Set node in the tree.

Note: When inserting an existing customized protective covering reference, the parameters, rules, and formulas are also appended under the Protection Set node.