Creating, Revising, and Deriving a Manufacturing Plan

You can create a manufacturing plan for a model or model version.

The initial manufacturing plan is always a derivation. Additional manufacturing plans (revisions or derivations) are created to accommodate the delta changes that need to be applied to a previously frozen plan. You can still create manufacturing plans on non-frozen plans to manage sequential development.

To create a manufacturing plan anywhere other than the end of the derivation or revision chain, see Inserting a Derived Manufacturing Plan.

Before you begin: Access the manufacturing plans page for a model or model version. See Manufacturing Plans Page.
See Also
About Manufacturing Plans
Manufacturing Plan Properties
Editing Manufacturing Plan Properties
  1. Open the required model version or model.
  2. To create the initial manufacturing plan: from the page Actions menu or toolbar click Create Revision . The first manufacturing plan in the structure must be a revision.

    To derive or revise a manufacturing plan:

    1. Select the parent of the plan to be created. You cannot create a revision for a plan if it already has a revision, although you can create as many derivations of a plan as needed.
    2. From the page Actions or toolbar, click Create Derivation or Create Revision .

  3. Enter these details:

    SectionField NameDescription
    BasicsTypeClick to select a subtype (if your company created subtypes). If deriving/revising from an existing plan, you cannot change the type.
    NameEnter a name, or check the Autoname box to let the system define the name.
    RevisionThe revision level of the manufacturing plan.
    DescriptionType details that describe the plan.
    Policy Shows Manufacturing Plan. The drop-down list can be used if more than one policy has been configured for the type.
    Derivation DetailsPlanned For When creating a plan from a model, click to choose the model version revision within that model to be associated with this plan.

    When creating a plan from a model version, this box shows the name and revision of the context model version and cannot be changed.

    Derivation Type

    Shows Revision or Derivation and cannot be changed.

    Derived FromShows either Root or the name of the manufacturing plan selected when you started this procedure.

    If no plan was selected or you want to change the listed plan, click to select a manufacturing plan.

    Derivation Level

    Revisions are required to be in the Main Release structure and cannot be changed.

    For derivations, you can choose:

    • Main Release
    • Fix Release
    Additional InformationDisplay NameInitially shows the title of the object selected for Derived From. Edit as needed.
    Manufacturing Intent

    Possible Values Description
    Regular The manufacturing plan breakdown should comply with its related engineering definition.
    Retrofit The manufacturing plan breakdown does not need to comply with its related engineering definition.

  4. Click OK.

The manufacturing plan (a revision or derivation) is connected to the parent manufacturing plan, and as an associated manufacturing plan for the model version shown in the Planned For field.