What's New

This page describes recent changes in Generative Shape Design.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Creating Modules

You can now create modules and symbolic interfaces.
Benefits: You can create a detailed concept design with the help of modules.
For more information, see About Modules Creating Modules Creating Symbolic Outputs Creating Symbolic Inputs Creating a Proxy Feature

Exporting 2D Contours

You can now export 2D contours of a planar surface or a UV parameterization feature as DXF.
Benefits: You can export the flattened geometry to have an accurate representation of the design.
For more information, see Exporting 2D Contours

R2022x GA

Resilient Modeling

You can now define global and local strategies for 3D shapes or features.
Benefits: The flexibility and robustness of the app is improved.
For more information, see Displaying Global Strategies Displaying Local Strategies

Support for Polyhedral Geometries

You can now apply commands on polyhedral objects, or use polyhedral geometry as inputs.
Benefits: The app is more efficient and robust.
For more information, see Polyhedral Geometry in Generative Shape Design

New Types in Surfacic Curvature Analysis

You can now access new analysis types.
  • The Flat Region type lets you indicate areas that are too flat.
  • The Curvedness type lets you quickly see the strength of the curvature that is continuously distributed over a shaded surface.
  • The Shape Index type lets you get more detailed shape information compared to a simple shaded convex-concave analysis.

You can now directly access the new Specialized Tessellation command.

Benefits: You have more options to assess the curvature of a surface.
For more information, see Analyzing Surface Curvature

Activating or Deactivating Measurements

You can now activate or deactivate measurements inside a part from the context menu.
Benefits: You can prevent unnecessary updates by deactivating the measurements.
For more information, see Measuring Inertia in the Context of a Representation

Additional Options in Defeaturing

You can now defeature features using draft filter to remove drafts with two additional options, Pulling direction and Filter out thin wall drafts.
Benefits: You have more options to defeature the selected features.
For more information, see Defeaturing with Filters