DHF Elements
A DHF element is a user-defined classification for a Design History File. You configure DHF classifications on controlled bookmarks and tasks.
To configure a DHF element on the bookmark level, see Bookmarks Page; to configure it on the task level, see Working the Structured View.When configured on bookmarks and tasks in a project template, the DHF classifications will be copied over when creating a project from the project template.
On the task schedule, an icon shows for a DHF bookmark that is out of sync with any task deliverables. You can click the icon to sync task deliverables to respective bookmarks. Upon task completion, the sync operation is performed on DHF content automatically.
You can view the content of a Design History File, which typically contains the controlled bookmarks and documents that comprise Design Input, Design Output, Design Review, Design Changes, Design Transfer, and the like. For details, see DHF View.