Hazard Details

This page shows the hazards associated with products in a design project. You can also view hazards directly when working with a product.

To access this page when working with design projects:

  1. From the Design Projects tab, click a design project name.
  2. In the navigation pane for the design project, click Bookmarks.
  3. Click the Product Hazards tab.

To access this page when working with products:

  1. In the navigation pane for a product, click Design History File.
  2. Click the Hazard Control tab.
  3. Click the Hazards tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column NameDescription


If the context is a design project, a tree structure displays the root node of the product, expanded to the hazards, which can be further expanded to related hazards.

If the context is a product, no root product object is shown since the context is already that of the product. Hazards are directly listed, which can be further expanded to related hazards.

Drop Available when you navigate from Design Projects > Bookmarks > Product Hazards. You can drag documents from the bookmarks in the left-side panel and drop them on products hazards. The dropped documents are connected to hazards as reference documents.
TypeThe object type, which is "Hazard."
StateThe lifecycle state of the hazard object.
RequirementsThe number of requirements for the hazard.
TitleThe hazard title.


Whether the hazard is "Known" or "Foreseeable."
ConditionWhether the hazard is possible in a "Normal" or "Fault" condition.
MajorThe major classification of the hazard.
MinorThe minor classification of the hazard.
Sequence of EventsThe sequence of events for hazardous situations. A rich-text enabled field.
Hazardous Situation Circumstances in which people, property or environment are exposed to hazards.
Harm Identifies physical injury or damage to people, damage to property or environment.
Parent HazardsThe name of the parent hazards to which this hazard is associated as a related hazard.

An orange icon displays if this is the current process. Green indicates it is already completed. For information about the Analysis process, see Analysis.


An orange icon displays if this is the current process. Green indicates it is already completed. For information about the Evaluation process, see Evaluation.


An orange icon displays if this is the current process. Green indicates it is already completed. For information about the Reduction process, see Reduction.


An orange icon displays if this is the current process. Green indicates it is already completed. For information about the Verification process, see Verification.


An orange icon displays if this is the current process. Green indicates it is already completed. For information about the Completion process, see Completion.

Current SevCurrent severity of the hazard.
Current OccCurrent occurrence of the hazard.
Current RPNCurrent Risk Priority Number for the hazard. The system calculates the RPN value by multiplying the occurrence (probability) value by the severity (impact) value. The occurrence and severity values can both range from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. Therefore, the RPN can range from 1 (1x1) to 25 (5x5).
Original SevOriginal severity of the hazard.
Original OccOriginal occurrence of the hazard.
Original RPNOriginal Risk Priority Number for the hazard. The system calculates the RPN value by multiplying the occurrence (probability) value by the severity (impact) value. The occurrence and severity values can both range from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. Therefore, the RPN can range from 1 (1x1) to 25 (5x5).
AcceptableIndicates whether the residual risk is acceptable.
Benefit Exceeds RiskIndicates whether the benefit exceeds the risk.
DisclosureThe residual risk disclosure.
OwnerThe owner of the hazard.

Product Context Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Create Hazard > Create NewCreates a new hazard. Available to the Project Member or Owner of any of the design projects associated with the product.Creating a Hazard
Create Hazard > Copy From TemplateCreates a hazard from a template.Hazard Templates
DeleteDeletes one or more selected hazards.--
Change OwnerAllows you to change the owner of the hazard and provide a transfer reason. Available only when performing hazard control on a product.--
Report > Residual Risk Disclosure ReportReport showing residual risk disclosure information for all hazards of the product that disclose their residual risks.Residual Risk Disclosure Report