
The Investigation page displays the details of the investigation that is performed for a complaint, equipment service request (ESR), inquiry, or a Nonconformance (NC).

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Section NameField Name Description
Investigation Required

Yes: investigation is required

No: investigation is not required

Severity Severity of the investigation. Possible values are High, Low, Medium, and Urgent.
Location or SiteName of the location where the investigation was performed
Reference Type

This field is applicable only for NCs.

Reference type for the investigation process. Possible values are CAPA, External CAPA, NC, and External NC.
MethodInvestigation method code
ResultsInvestigation result code
Conclusion Code Investigation conclusion code
RationaleReason provided by the investigator to select the conclusion code
Approval Sign-offResponsible InvestigatorName of the investigator
Completion DateDate when the investigation was completed
Risk Analysis

This section is applicable only for Complaints, ESRs, and Inquiries.

Risk Analysis Required

Yes: risk analysis is required

No: risk analysis is not required

CommentsReason provided by the investigator about the risk analysis requirement

Yes: problem occurred due to malfunction

No: problem did not occur due to malfunction

Packaging/Labeling Problem

Yes: problem occurred due to packaging or labeling issue

No: problem did not occur due to packaging or labeling issue

Use Error

Yes: problem occurred due to wrong usage

No: problem did not occur due to wrong usage

Recommended ActionsRecommendations provided by the investigator
Summary DetailsSummary of the investigation
Additional Information Additional information about the investigation and conclusion

Actions and Toolbar Commands

Action DescriptionFor More Information
Complete Completes an investigation. When the review task for an investigation is approved, the investigation is automatically promoted to Complete.
Notes: Ensure the following:
  • Provided information in the Method, Results, Conclusion Code, Rationale, Responsible Investigator, and Completion Date fields.
  • For NCs, if the Reference Type is CAPA or External CAPA, you must attach the corresponding CAPA request or CAPA project before you complete the investigation.
Not Required Removes investigation requirementRemoving Investigation Requirement
Edit Lets you modify the details of the investigationModifying Investigation Details