Compliance PowerView

The Compliance PowerView aggregates information about the composition of a part in terms of component parts and materials as well as calculated rolled up substances, substance classifications, and material classifications onto a single page.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, Leader, Owner
  • App-specific: Compliance Reviewer, Compliance Administrator, Compliance Engineer, Senior Compliance Engineer

To access the Compliance PowerView:

  1. Open the required part. For more information, see Opening a Part.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Compliance PowerView.

The PowerView includes these tabs:

Tab Name For More Information
Compliance View Compliance View
Component Materials Component Materials of a Part
Customer Equivalents Customer Equivalents List
Substances (Calculated) Calculated Substances List
Substance Classifications (Calculated) Calculated Substance Classifications List
Material Classifications (Calculated) Calculated Material Classifications List
Plant-Specific Parts Plant-Specific Parts