Plant-Specific Parts

You can view a list of plant-specific parts and take actions to process the parts.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, Leader
  • App-specific: Compliance Reviewer, Compliance Engineer, Senior Compliance Engineer

To access this page:

  1. Open the required part. For more information, see Opening a Part.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Compliance Powerview.
  3. Click the Plant-Specific Parts tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons


Column NameDescription
NameThe name of the part. Click the expansion icon to display the part hierarchy. Click the name to view the part’s properties. For more information, see Part Properties.

The object type, which is Part.


The revision level of the part.


The plant, for plant-specific parts.


The description of the part.

Compliance ValuesThe calculated compliance values for each compliance definition marked as a rolled-up compliance definition. Grouped by compliance type such as REACH, RoHS, ELV, and Packaging. Only the selected compliance value is displayed. These icons indicate the compliance value:

Compliant with this compliance definition
Compliant with exemptions
Not compliant with this compliance definition
Unreported or contains unreported parts
Has an assigned declaration level and the compliance definition is not part of the declaration level.
Has one or more children parts that are "Insufficient".
Compliance is out-of-date and a rollup needs to be performed

State The state of the object.
Owner The owner of the part.
Policy The poicy of the object, which is plant-specific part.
Component Module IDThe module ID of the part as it exists in IMDS as a component. Not shown for a reported part or supplied parts.
Component VersionThe version of the part as it exists in IMDS as a component. Not shown for a reported part or supplied parts.
Semicomponent Module IDThe module ID of the part as it exists in IMDS as a semicomponent. Not shown for a reported part or supplied parts.
Semicomponent VersionThe version of the part as it exists in IMDS as a semicomponent. Not shown for a reported part or supplied parts.


You can use the menu to choose which view of the parts list you want to see. Each view shows a different set of columns depending on the intent of that view.

View NameDescriptionFor Column Information
Detailed ListThe default view that shows all details about the parts.Detailed List View
Express ListShows fewer details.Express List View
SoC ListThe Substance of Concern view is specific to the hi-tech industry and only shows if the RoHS data management option is used. SoC List View

Actions /Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Create NewCreates a new plant-specific part.

You must have the Author or Compliance Engineer access role.

Creating Plant-Specific Parts
Create Plant-Specific BOM from Enterprise Part BOMCreates a new plant-specific part with a fully-defined BOM from an enterprise part and its BOM.

You must have the Author or Compliance Engineer access role.

Creating a Plant-Specific Part From an Enterprise Part BOM
Add to Compliance PortfolioAdds the plant-specific part to the Compliance Portfolio. Compliance Portfolio
Multi-Edit PartsEdits the properties of the selected plant-specific parts.

You must have the Author or Compliance Engineer access role.

Editing Plant-Specific Parts
DeleteDeletes selected plant-specific parts. Any part that is referenced by a part that is not one of the ones being deleted is skipped.

You must have the Author, Leader, Compliance Engineer, or Senior Compliance Engineer access role.

Delete DescendantsDeletes selected plant-specific parts and their descendant parts in an EBOM. Any part that is referenced by a part that is not one of the ones being deleted is skipped.

You must have the Author, Leader, Compliance Engineer, or Senior Compliance Engineer access role.


Compliance Commands

The menu includes the compliance-specific commands.

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Roll Up Compliance DataRolls up compliance data for the selected parts.

You must have the Author or Compliance Engineer access role to execute these actions.

Rolling Up Compliance Data
ReportsSelects a report for one or more plant-specific parts.

You must have the Reader, Author or Compliance Engineer access role to execute these actions.

Analyzing Compliance
ExportExports selected parts.

You must have the Leader or Senior Compliance Engineer access role.
