Properties Section

These tools allow you to define physical properties required in the simulation, for example materials and section assignments. You must apply core materials that include a Simulation domain to all components in your model before performing a simulation. Selecting Core material definition from the B.I. Essentials panel enables you to highlight regions of the model that still require material application.

Note: The Material Palette might display covering materials and materials that do not have the required simulation properties. If you apply an unsuitable material, you will not be able to run a simulation.

Section properties associate materials and behaviors with an area of the simulation model. All geometry in a model must have a section property assigned to it. If multiple section properties are assigned to the same piece of geometry, only the most recently assigned section property is considered during the simulation (more recently assigned properties appear lower in the tree).

Composite shell sections are available only if you have a license for Composites Model Creation.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Simulation Materials

Solid Section
Applies properties to a region where the material is continuous through the thickness of the part.
See Defining Solid Sections.

Shell Section
See Flyout for Shell Sections.

Beam Section
See Flyout for Beam Sections.

SPH Particles
Converts a Lagrangian finite element mesh to smoothed particles.
See Converting to Smoothed Particles.

Gasket Property
Applies properties to a region that contains a thin material under compressive stress between other sections.
See Defining Gasket Sections.

Meshed Bolt
Defines a planar surface through the body of a fastener through which bolt loads and restraints are applied.
See Defining Meshed Bolt Sections.

Flyout for Shell Sections

Shell Section
Applies properties to a region where one dimension (the thickness) is significantly smaller than the other two dimensions.
See Defining Shell Section Properties.

Continuum Shell Section
Applies properties to a region that combines properties of solid and shell sections.
See Defining Continuum Shell Sections.

Composite Shell Section
Applies properties to a region that contains an area of thin layered materials that behaves like a single material.
See Defining Composite Shell Sections.

Composite Continuum Shell Section
Applies properties to a region that contains an area of thin layered materials that behaves like a single material and derives its thickness from the associated mesh.
See Defining Composite Continuum Shell Sections.

Membrane Section
Applies properties to a region with no bending stiffness and where one dimension (the thickness) is significantly smaller than the other two dimensions.
See Defining Membrane Sections.

Surface Section
Applies properties to a membrane-like surface region that does not have inherent stiffness.
See Defining Surface Sections.
Shear Panel Section
Applies properties to a region where elements can transmit shear forces only along their edges.
See Defining Shear Panel Sections.

Flyout for Beam Sections

Beam Section
Defines a long structural element whose cross section is very small in comparison to its length.
See Defining Beam Sections.

Beam Profile
Defines the shape and the dimensions of a beam cross section.
See Defining Beam Profiles.

1D Link Section
Applies properties to a region of long, slender link members.
See Defining 1D Link Sections.