To reorder chapters using the Navigation pane:
to expand the Navigation pane if it is not already visible.
In the Navigation pane, select the chapter that you want to move to another location in the requirement specification structure.
- Drag the chapter to the new location in the requirement specification structure then drop it.
When you drag the chapter, a blue arrow and a solid blue bar indicates that you can drop the chapter as a sibling to the chapter at the location. A blue arrow and a dotted blue box indicates that you can drop the chapter as a child of the chapter at the location. Chapter numbering updates automatically to reflect the updated requirement specification structure.
requirement specification structure updates in the content pane to reflect the new chapter location.
To reorder a chapter, requirement, or comment in the Content pane, do the following:
In the Content pane, select the chapter, requirement, or comment that you want to move to another location in the requirement specification structure.
The gray bar next to the selected object turns blue when it is selected.
Select the blue bar next to the chapter, requirement, or comment.
The cursor turns into a cursor. - Drag the chapter, requirement, or comment to the new location in the requirement specification.
When you drag the chapter, requirement, or comment, a solid dark blue bar indicates that you can drop the object as a sibling to the content at the location. A dotted blue box indicates that you can drop the object as a child of the content at the location. - Drop the chapter, requirement, or comment in the new location in the requirement specification.
The blue bar next to the chapter, requirement, or comment turns green when you have successfully moved the object to a valid new location in the requirement specification structure.
requirement specification structure updates in the Content pane to reflect the new chapter, requirement, or comment location. If you moved a chapter to a new location, chapter numbering updates automatically to reflect the updated requirement specification structure.