What's New

This page describes recent changes in Virtual to Real Shape Morphing.

R2022x GA

Virtual to Real Shape Morphing Features

You can now use Virtual to Real Shape Morphing features as result in another app without having access to a Virtual to Real Shape Morphing license.
  • Update of the features is not available in the absence of the Virtual to Real Shape Morphing license.
  • In some cases, the display, name, and icon of the features may change.
Benefits: You can use the features as geometrical results, within any role.

New UI Experience

All commands related to morphing in the Virtual To Real Shape Morphing section of the action bar have been revamped.
  • Morphing Wizard
  • Create Shape Constraints
  • Create a Field of Vectors
  • Transform a Field of Vectors
  • Invert a Field of Vectors
  • Concatenate Fields of Vectors
  • Filter Vectors
  • Create a Morphing Law
  • Apply Morphing
  • Vector Field Link Manager
Benefits: In addition to providing a more user-friendly interface, these enhancements
  • Ensure the compatibility of the Virtual to Real Shape Morphing features with DOE scenario through knowledge and VB expositions.
  • Support multiple limit curves, mesh morphing, rigid holes.
  • Remove the 30000 vectors limit to describe a deformation.
  • Manage the data size of the Virtual to Real Shape Morphing features to remove the 3GB limit.
For more information, see Managing Links of the Vector Field Applying a Morphing Defining a Morphing Law Filtering Vectors Concatenating Several Fields of Vectors Inverting the Source and Target Points of a Field of Vectors Transforming a Field of Vectors Creating Fields of Vectors Specifying Shape Constraints Using the Morphing Wizard