Login and navigation

The section details the login page and the common header and toolbar of all NETVIBES OnePart pages.

This page discusses:

Login page

The login page for OnePart. You can login using your standard credentials to view components in OnePart.

See How to access OnePart? .

Common header

A common toolbar is present at the top on all the pages of OnePart installations, with minor variations. It does not display in certain cases. See also the main sidebar that provides many of the same functions.

Common header details




1 Home

The elements are clickable from any page and bring you back to the OnePart Home page.

2 Search box

A full-text search box.

3 Filtering panel

Access the filter panel. See the Filtering facets panel

4 User menu

This user menu includes User Preferences and Logout items. OnePart displays the name of the user currently logged-in when the browser is large enough.

OnePart Console is only available if you have permission.

5 Share menu

This menu includes Print and Share items.

6 Home menu

This menu provides URLs to the various home pages.

7 Help menu

This menu includes the About OnePart and Documentation (if you have permissions) items.

Search box

The search box is composed of the following elements:

  • A type filter, allowing you to choose multiple types of items to filter on. By default, the search returns items of any type. The field is populated by the item types present in OnePart, and that you have the right to see.

  • A full-text search box, with a "suggest" feature, suggesting queries as you type.

  • A button to trigger the query execution (which can also be triggered by pressing the Return/Enter key).

  • A Shape search by upload feature. You can select a file to upload or drop a file to the search box. See Shape search by upload.

  • A help button that displays online help to specify where and how to search. See Advanced search help

User menu

The user menu displays your current login name and gives you access to:

  • Preferences: opens the User Preferences

  • OnePart Console: if you have permission, opens the console to add new sources, import your data and customize the login page

  • Logout: disconnects the current user from OnePart

Share menu

The share menu provides URLs for the following:

  • Print: triggers the printing of the current page.
  • Share: provides a URL which can be shared with another user of this OnePart instance. In most cases, this is the URL of the current page. So when another user clicks on a shared URL, OnePart displays a snapshot of your selection as it was when you used the "Share" feature. If you make any changes afterwards, the other user won't seen them. Note that the shared URL is valid for a limited period of time.

    Note: The following limitations apply:
    • Access rights defined on parts apply when sharing a page. For example, if the page shared by User1 contains parts that are not accessible to User2, then User2 will be able to see the shared page but he will not be allowed to see the parts he has not access to.
    • The Compare page can not be shared. It is indeed stored in the user session and can not be shared via an URL.

Home menu

The home menu provides URLs to the various home pages that can be configured for OnePart Reuse standard and OnePart Reduce.

For example,

  • OnePart home page

  • OnePart Reduce home page

  • My home page

Help menu

The help menu provides URLs to user assistance, product information and the privacy policy (if implemented) .

A Documentation link is available to all documentation for administrators only and a link to the User guide for all users.

About OnePart link brings you to the popup including:

  • OnePart tab - version, build, user license information and a link to the user Privacy Policy if implemented

  • Components tab - all OnePart component versions