The general preferences include the application interface and the assembly mapping strategy.
Application interface
The following settings are available for the application user interface in the General tab:
- Language - Select the language to use for the UI. It can be detected automatically. OnePart delivers English, French, Chinese, German, Korean and Japanese interfaces.
My home page - Select the default home page to
use when accessing the
My home page option from the
Home menu:
- OnePart home page
- OnePart Reduce home page
- Set current page as my home page
Unit system - Select to have OnePart convert the physical attributes in the following unit systems:
International system (metric):
Lengths in meters (m)
Masses in kilograms (kg)
Volumes in cubic meters (m3)
Densities relative to water
Depending on absolute values, an automatic scaling is applied (such as mm, T) for easier reading.
Imperial system:
Lengths in inches (in) or feet (ft)
Volumes in cubic inches (cu. in) or cubic feet (cu. ft)
Masses in pounds (lbs) or ounces (oz)
Densities relative to water
Depending on absolute values, an automatic scaling is applied for easier reading.
- Date & time
Date with time format
Date formats
- Time zones
Grouping strategy - Select the strategy used for part Grouping feature available in the search result pages:
- No Grouping - does not group identical files.
Identical files grouped (default) - groups files that are identical, that is to say, have the same binary file. Please keep in mind the following: This is not based shape similarity.
Some vaults, like SOLIDWORKS PDM, change a few bytes of a file when checking in / checking out a CAD file; hence checked-in copies are not considered identical (even though they have not been modified by the user)
- Minor revisions grouped - groups minor revisions or versions (depending on the file format)
- Configurations grouped - groups files with multiple configurations. For example, a part that has 5300 configurations will be presented as 1 part in the results with 5300 configurations. Though there are 5300 items in the index.
- All revisions grouped - groups all revisions or versions of a file
Assembly mapping strategy
You can choose from several global mapping strategies by assembly family (such as CATIA V5, SOLIDWORKS, Pro/ENGINEER, Inventor, NX, SolidEdge).
For more details, see Assembly mapping strategies