the J-integral, which is widely accepted as a
quasi-static fracture mechanics parameter for linear material response and,
with limitations, for nonlinear material response;
the stress intensity factors, which are used in linear elastic
fracture mechanics to measure the strength of the local crack-tip fields;
the crack propagation direction—that is, the angle at which a pre-existing crack propagates;
the T-stress, which represents a stress parallel to the crack faces and is
used as an indicator of the extent to which parameters like the
J-integral are useful characterizations of the deformation field
around the crack.
Contour integrals:
are output quantities—they do not affect the results;
can be requested only in general analysis steps;
can be used only with two-dimensional quadrilateral elements, three-dimensional brick elements,
or three-dimensional second-order tetrahedral elements when used with the conventional
finite element method;
can be evaluated without requiring a detailed conforming mesh around
the crack tips when used with XFEM; and
are currently available only for first-order or second-order tetrahedral and first-order brick
elements with isotropic elastic material when used with
offers two different ways to evaluate the contour integral. The first approach
is based on the conventional finite element method, which typically requires
you to conform the mesh to the cracked geometry, to explicitly define the crack
front, and to specify the virtual crack extension direction. Detailed focused
meshes are generally required, and obtaining accurate contour integral results
for a crack in a three-dimensional curved surface can be quite cumbersome. The
extended finite element method (XFEM)
alleviates these shortcomings. XFEM does not
require the mesh to match the cracked geometry. The presence of a crack is
ensured by the special enriched functions in conjunction with additional
degrees of freedom. You must, however, generate a sufficient number of elements
around the crack front to obtain path-independent contours, particularly in the
region with high crack front curvature. This approach also removes the
requirement for explicitly defining the crack front or specifying the virtual
crack extension direction when evaluating the contour integral. The data
required for the contour integral are determined automatically based on the
level set signed distance functions at the nodes in an element (see
Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method).
Several contour integral evaluations are possible at each location along a
crack. In a finite element model each evaluation can be thought of as the
virtual motion of a block of material surrounding the crack tip (in two
dimensions) or surrounding each node along the crack line (in three
dimensions). Each block is defined by contours, where each contour is a ring of
elements completely surrounding the crack tip or the nodes along the crack line
from one crack face to the opposite crack face. These rings of elements are
defined recursively to surround all previous contours.
Abaqus/Standard automatically finds the elements that form each ring from the regions defined as the
crack tip or crack line. Each contour provides an evaluation of the contour integral. The
possible number of evaluations is the number of such rings of elements for two-dimensional
quadrilateral and three-dimensional brick elements. For tetrahedral elements, you must
specify a small radius within which rings of elements are identified for fracture mechanics
studies. A refined mesh is required to define the rings of elements around the crack front,
especially in a region near the external free surfaces. In a case where the crack front
intersects the external free surface in a model with tetrahedral elements at an angle not
equal to 90°, you should specify surface normals at all the crack tip nodes that lie on the
external free surfaces (see Normal Definitions at Nodes). This action
ensures that the tangential directions of the crack front at those locations are estimated
accurately for contour integral evaluation. The default value of the ring radius is twice
the typical element characteristic length along the crack front, which works well for most
problems. You must specify the number of contours to use in calculating contour integrals.
In addition, you must specify the type of contour integral to calculate, as described below.
By default, Abaqus/Standard calculates the J-integral.
You can assign a name to a crack that is used to identify the contour
integral values in the data file and in the output database file.
If you are using the conventional finite element method and do not
specify a crack name, by default
generates crack numbers that follow the order in which the cracks are defined.
If you are using XFEM, you must set the crack
name equal to the name assigned to the enriched feature. Both the domain
integral method and the line integral method are supported when you evaluate
the contour integral using XFEM.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to evaluate the contour integral with the conventional finite element
method for two-dimensional quadrilateral and three-dimensional brick elements:
Using the divergence theorem, the contour integral can be expanded into an
area integral in two dimensions or a volume integral in three dimensions, over
a finite domain surrounding the crack. This domain integral method is used to
evaluate contour integrals in
The method is quite robust in the sense that accurate contour integral
estimates are usually obtained even with quite coarse meshes. The method is
robust because the integral is taken over a domain of elements surrounding the
crack and because errors in local solution parameters have less effect on the
evaluated quantities such as J, ,
the stress intensity factors, and the T-stress.
Requesting Multiple Contour Integrals
Contour integrals at several different crack tips in two dimensions or along
several different crack lines in three dimensions can be evaluated at any time
by repeating the contour integral request as often as needed in the step
definition. When you are using the conventional finite element method, you must
specify the crack front and the direction of virtual crack extension (or the
normal to the crack plane if this normal is constant) for each crack tip or
crack line, as described below. When you are using
XFEM, you do not need to specify the crack
front or the virtual crack extension direction because they will be determined
However, you must set each crack name equal to the corresponding enriched
feature, with each enriched feature consisting of only one crack. In addition,
regardless of whether you are using either the conventional finite element
method or XFEM, you must specify the number of
contours to be calculated for each integral.
The J-integral is usually used in rate-independent
quasi-static fracture analysis to characterize the energy release associated
with crack growth. It can be related to the stress intensity factor if the
material response is linear.
The J-integral is defined in terms of the energy
release rate associated with crack advance. For a virtual crack advance
in the plane of a three-dimensional fracture, the energy release rate is given
is a surface element along a vanishing small tubular surface enclosing the
crack tip or crack line,
is the outward normal to ,
is the local direction of virtual crack extension.
is given by
For elastic material behavior W is the elastic strain
energy; for elastic-plastic or elasto-viscoplastic material behavior
W is defined as the elastic strain energy density plus the
plastic dissipation, thus representing the strain energy in an “equivalent
elastic material.” Therefore, the J-integral calculated is
suitable only for monotonic loading of elastic-plastic materials.
The J-integral should be independent of the domain used
provided that the crack faces are parallel to each other, but
J-integral estimates from different rings may vary because
of the approximate nature of the finite element solution. Strong variation in
these estimates, commonly called domain dependence or contour dependence,
typically indicates an error in the contour integral definition. Gradual
variation in these estimates may indicate that a finer mesh is needed or, if
plasticity is included, that the contour integral domain does not completely
include the plastic zone. If the “equivalent elastic material” is not a good
representation of the elastic-plastic material, the contour integrals will be
domain independent only if they completely include the plastic zone. Since it
is not always possible to include the plastic zone in three dimensions, a finer
mesh may be the only solution.
If the first contour integral is defined by specifying the nodes at the
crack tip, the first few contours may be inaccurate. To check the accuracy of
these contours, you can request more contours and determine the value of the
contour integral that appears approximately constant from one contour to the
next. The contour integral values that are not approximately equal to this
constant should be discarded. In linear elastic problems the first and second
contours typically should be ignored as inaccurate.
For some three-dimensional models with an open crack front, the
J-integral estimates may be inaccurate from the node sets
(or elements in the case with XFEM) at the
crack front ends. The resolution difficulty is compounded by the skewness of
the outmost layer of elements. This accuracy loss is confined only to the
contour integrals at the front ends and has no effect on the accuracy of the
contour integral values at the neighboring node sets (or elements in the case
with XFEM) along the crack front.
Including the Effect of a Residual Stress Field on J-Integral Evaluation
A residual stress field often occurs in a structure; for example, as a result of service loads
that produce plasticity, a metal forming process in the absence of an anneal treatment,
thermal effects, or swelling effects. When the residual stresses are significant, the
standard definition of the J-integral as described above may lead to
a path-dependent value. To ensure its path independence, the
J-integral evaluation must include an additional term that accounts
for the residual stress field. In Abaqus/Standard the problem with a residual stress field is treated as an initial strain problem. If
the total strain is written as the sum of mechanical strain, , and initial strain, ; that is,
a path-independent energy release rate in the presence of a residual stress
field is given by
where V is the domain volume enclosing the crack tip or
crack line, W is defined as the mechanical strain energy
density only,
remains constant during the entire deformation.
The residual stress field can be specified by reading the stress data from a previous analysis
step or by defining an initial condition (see Defining Initial Stresses). You specify the step number from which the stress data in the last available
increment of the specified step will be considered as residual stresses. If the step
number is set equal to zero (default), the residual stress field is defined by the initial
condition definition. When XFEM is used, the residual
stress field can be defined only with an initial condition definition.
Usually, the proportional stressing condition is assumed to be satisfied
when the contour integrals are calculated. In other words, this equation
Otherwise, you should modify the path-independent energy release rate as
This approach used to account for the non-proportional stressing effects was
adopted from
Lei (2005).
The Ct-integral is supported with the
conventional finite element method; however, it is not supported with
The -integral
can be used for time-dependent creep behavior, where it characterizes creep
crack deformation under certain creep conditions, including transient crack
is, for example, proportional to the rate of growth of the crack-tip/crack-line
creep zone for a stationary crack under small-scale creep conditions. Under
steady-state creep conditions, when creep dominates throughout the specimen,
becomes path independent and is known as .
should be requested only in a quasi-static step.
The -integral
is obtained by replacing the displacements with velocities and the strain
energy density with the strain energy rate density in the
J-integral expansion. The strain energy rate density is
defined as
is not uniquely defined if multiple deformation mechanisms contribute to the
strain rate. However, the creep mechanism will dominate within a zone
surrounding a crack tip or crack line, so elastic and plastic contributions to
are negligible. The size of that zone depends on the extent of creep
relaxation: the zone is initially small but eventually encompasses the entire
specimen when steady-state creep is reached.
considers only creep in the calculation of .
Neglecting elastic and plastic strain rates, the strain energy density for the
power law creep model with time hardening form in
where n is the power law exponent, q is the
equivalent von Mises stress, and is the equivalent uniaxial strain rate.
For the hyperbolic-sine law an analytical expression of
is not available. For this law
is obtained by numerical integration; a five-point Gauss quadrature scheme
gives reasonable accuracy in the range of realistic creep strain rates.
The domain integral method is used for -integrals
as described above for J-integrals.
For user-defined creep laws the strain energy rate density must be defined
in user subroutine
Prior to steady state -integral
estimates will exhibit domain dependence, even if the finite element mesh is
sufficiently refined, because of the assumption of creep dominance within the
domain specified. These
estimates should be extrapolated to zero radius to obtain an improved
estimate corresponding to a contour shrunk onto the crack tip or crack line
Ct-integral evaluation).
Stress Intensity Factors
The stress intensity factors ,
are usually used in linear elastic fracture mechanics to characterize the local
crack-tip/crack-line stress and displacement fields. They are related to the
energy release rate (the J-integral) through
are the stress intensity factors and
is called the pre-logarithmic energy factor matrix. For homogeneous, isotropic
is diagonal, and the above equation simplifies to
for plane stress and
for plane strain, axisymmetry, and three dimensions. For an interfacial crack
between two dissimilar isotropic materials,
for plane strain, axisymmetry, and three dimensions; and
for plane stress. Unlike their analogues in a homogeneous material,
are no longer the pure Mode I and Mode
II stress intensity factors for an interfacial
crack. They are simply the real and imaginary parts of a complex stress
intensity factor.
Although the energy release rate is calculated directly in
it is usually not straightforward to compute stress intensity factors from a
known J-integral for mixed-mode problems.
provides an interaction integral method to compute the stress intensity factors
directly for a crack under mixed-mode loading. This capability is available for
linear isotropic and anisotropic materials. The theory is described in detail
Stress intensity factor extraction.
In this case the J-integrals calculated from the stress
intensity factors will also be output. These J-integral
values may be slightly different from those estimated by requesting the
J-integral directly, due to the different algorithms used
for the calculations.
For homogeneous, isotropic elastic materials the direction of cracking
initiation can be calculated using one of the following three criteria: the
maximum tangential stress criterion, the maximum energy release rate criterion,
or the
is not taken into account in any of these criteria.
Maximum Tangential Stress Criterion
Using either the condition
(where r and
are polar coordinates centered at the crack tip in a plane orthogonal to the
crack line), we can obtain
where the crack propagation angle is measured with respect to the crack plane and represents the crack propagation in the “straight-ahead” direction. if while if The crack propagation angle is measured from to ; that is, it is measured about the direction , or counterclockwise measured from in Figure 1.
The T-stress component represents a stress parallel to
the crack faces at the crack tip. Its magnitude can alter not only the size and
shape of the plastic zone but also the stress triaxiality ahead of the crack
tip. It is, therefore, a useful indicator of whether measures of the strength
of the crack-tip singularity (such as the J-integral or
the stress intensity factors) are useful in characterizing a crack under a
particular loading. In a linear elastic analysis the
T-stress should be calculated using loads equal to the
loads in the elastic-plastic analysis. See
T-stress extraction
for more information.
In general, the T-stress has larger domain dependence
or contour dependence than the J-integral and the stress
intensity factors. Numerical tests suggest that the estimates from the first
two rings of elements abutting the crack tip or crack line generally do not
provide accurate results. Sufficient contours extending from the crack tip or
crack line should be chosen so that the T-stress can be
determined to be independent of the number of contours, within engineering
accuracy. Particularly for axisymmetric models, the closer the crack tip is to
the symmetry axis, the more refined the mesh in the domain should be to achieve
path independence of the contour integral.
Including the Effect of a Residual Stress Field on T-Stress Evaluation
Defining the Data Required for a Contour Integral with the Conventional Finite Element Method
To request contour integral output with the conventional finite element
method, you must define the crack front and specify the virtual crack extension
Defining the Crack Front
You must specify the crack front; that is, the region that defines the first contour. Abaqus/Standard uses this region and one layer of elements surrounding it to compute the first contour
integral. An additional layer of elements is used to compute each subsequent contour.
The crack front can be equivalent to the crack tip in two dimensions or the
crack line in three dimensions; or it can be a larger region surrounding the
crack tip or crack line, in which case it must include the crack tip or crack
If blunted crack tips are modeled, the crack front should include all the
nodes going from one crack face to the other that would collapse onto the crack
tip if the radius of the blunted tip were reduced to zero. Otherwise, the
contour integral value will depend on the path until the contour region reaches
the parallel crack faces.
Input File Usage
CONTOUR INTEGRAL, CONTOURS=nSpecify the crack front node set name on the data line; the format depends on the method you use to specify the virtual crack extension direction.
For two-dimensional cases only one crack front node set (the
crack front at the crack tip) must be specified. For three-dimensional cases
you must repeat the data line to specify the crack front for each node (or
cluster of focused nodes) along the crack line in order from one end of the
crack to the other, including the midside nodes of second-order elements; it is
not permissible to skip nodes along the crack line.
Defining the Crack Tip or Crack Line
By default,
defines the crack tip as the first node specified for the crack front and the
crack line as the sequence of first nodes specified for the crack front. The
first node is the node with the smallest node number, unless the node set is
generated as unsorted. Alternatively, you can specify the crack-tip node or
crack-line nodes directly. This specification plays a critical role for a
three-dimensional crack with a blunt crack tip.
Input File Usage
Use the
following option to specify the crack-tip nodes directly:
CONTOUR INTEGRAL, CONTOURS=n, CRACK TIP NODESSpecify the crack front node set name and the crack tip node number or node set name on the data line; the format depends on the method you use to specify the virtual crack extension direction.
Repeat the data line for three-dimensional
Defining a Closed-Loop Crack Line
Sometimes a crack line may form a closed loop (for example, when modeling a full penny-shaped
crack without invoking symmetry conditions). In such cases the finite element mesh in
the crack-tip region can be created with or without seams; that is, linear constraint
equations (Linear Constraint Equations) or
multi-point constraints (General Multi-Point Constraints) may or may
not be used to tie two layers of nodes together.
If a crack line forms a closed loop, the starting node set of the crack
front can be chosen arbitrarily and the other node sets defining the crack
front must go around the crack front sequentially. The last node set defining
the crack front must be the same as the first node set. If a closed loop is
formed by creating coincident nodes that are then tied together by linear
constraint equations and multi-point constraints, the node sets must be
specified in order starting from one of the node sets involved in the
constraint equation or multi-point constraint and terminating with the other
node set.
Specifying the Virtual Crack Extension Direction
You must specify the direction of virtual crack extension at each crack tip
in two dimensions or at each node along the crack line in three dimensions by
specifying either the normal to the crack plane, ,
or the virtual crack extension direction, .
If the virtual crack extension direction is specified to point into the
material (parallel to the crack faces), the J-integral
values calculated will be positive. Negative J-integral
values are obtained when the virtual crack extension direction is specified in
the opposite direction.
Specifying the Normal to the Crack Plane
The virtual crack extension direction can be defined by specifying the
normal, ,
to the crack plane. In this case
will calculate a virtual crack extension direction, ,
that is orthogonal to the crack front tangent, ,
and the normal, .
As shown in
Figure 1,
for a three-dimensional crack; for a two-dimensional crack, we simply have
and .
Specifying the normal implies that the crack plane is flat since only one value
can be given per contour integral.
Figure 1. Typical focused mesh for fracture mechanics evaluation.
Input File Usage
CONTOUR INTEGRAL, CONTOURS=n, NORMAL-direction cosine (or ), -direction cosine (or ), -direction cosine
(or blank)crack front node set name (2D) or names (3D)
Specifying the Virtual Crack Extension Direction
Alternatively, the virtual crack extension direction,
can be specified directly. In three dimensions the virtual crack extension
direction, ,
will be corrected to be orthogonal to any normal defined at a node or in other
cases to the tangent to the crack line itself. The tangent,
to the crack line at a particular point is obtained by parabolic interpolation
through the crack front for which the virtual crack extension vector is defined
and the nearest node sets on either side of this region.
will normalize the virtual crack extension direction, .
Input File Usage
CONTOUR INTEGRAL, CONTOURS=ncrack front node set name, -direction cosine (or ), -direction cosine (or ), -direction cosine (or blank)
Repeat the data line for three-dimensional cases to specify
the crack front and virtual crack extension vector for each node (or cluster of
focused nodes) along the crack line.
Defining Surface Normals
In a case where the crack front intersects the external surface of a
three-dimensional solid, where there is a surface of material discontinuity in
the model, or where the crack is in a curved shell, the virtual crack extension
direction, ,
must lie in the plane of the surface for accurate contour integral evaluation.
Surface normals should be specified at all nodes that lie on such surfaces
within the contours requested for this purpose (these nodes are printed out
under the “Contour Integral” information in the data file). For shell element
models the normals can be specified with the nodal coordinates if the normals
calculated by
are not adequate. For solid element models the normals can be specified either
directly (see
Normal Definitions at Nodes
A plate with a part-through crack: elastic line spring modeling)
or using the nodal coordinates (the fourth–sixth coordinates).
If surface normals are not specified for the nodes on the crack surfaces and the external
surfaces at the ends of a crack line, Abaqus/Standard can calculate the normals for these nodes to correct any inadequate virtual crack
extension directions, except for a model with tetrahedral elements. For a model with
tetrahedral elements, you must always specify the surface normals to improve the
accuracy of contour integral evaluation at the free surface. For large models,
requesting that Abaqus/Standard calculate the surface normals on free or crack surfaces can increase the
preprocessing time.
Input File Usage
Use the
following option to indicate that no surface normal is calculated:
The free surfaces mentioned above denote the external
surfaces at the ends of a crack line for a three-dimensional model. They are
not relevant for two-dimensional and axisymmetric cases.
Defining the Data Required for a Contour Integral with XFEM
If you are using XFEM to evaluate the
contour integral, both the crack front and the virtual crack extension
direction are determined by
Symmetry with the Conventional Finite Element Method
If the crack is defined on a symmetry plane, only half the structure needs
to be modeled. The change in potential energy calculated from the virtual crack
front advance is doubled to compute the correct contour integral values.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to indicate that the crack is defined on a symmetry plane:
Constructing a Fracture Mechanics Mesh for Small-Strain Analysis with the Conventional Finite Element Method
Sharp cracks (where the crack faces lie on top of one another in the undeformed configuration)
are usually modeled using small-strain assumptions. Focused meshes, as shown in Figure 1, should typically be used for small-strain fracture mechanics evaluations. However, for a
sharp crack the strain field becomes singular at the crack tip. This result is obviously an
approximation to the physics; however, the large-strain zone is very localized, and most
fracture mechanics problems can be solved satisfactorily using only small-strain analysis.
The crack-tip strain singularity depends on the material model used. Linear
elasticity, perfect plasticity, and power-law hardening are commonly used in
fracture mechanics analysis. Power-law hardening has the form
where is the equivalent total strain, is a reference strain, is the von Mises stress, is the initial yield stress, n is the power-law
hardening exponent (typically in the range of 3 to 8; is very close to perfect plasticity for large ), and is a material constant (typically in the range 0.5 to 1.0).
Results for pure power-law nonlinear elastic materials in a body under
traction loading are proportional to the load to some power. Therefore, the
fracture parameters for one geometry under a particular load can be scaled to
any other load of the same distribution but different magnitude.
If the loading is proportional (the direction of the stress increase in
stress space is approximately constant) and monotonically increasing, power-law
hardening deformation plasticity and incremental plasticity are essentially
equivalent. However, deformation plasticity is a nonlinear elastic material for
which more analytical results are available.
uses the Ramberg-Osgood form of deformation plasticity (see
Deformation Plasticity);
this model is not a pure power law model, which must be considered.
Creating the Singularity
In most cases the singularity at the crack tip should be considered in
small-strain analysis (when geometric nonlinearities are ignored). Including
the singularity often improves the accuracy of the
J-integral, the stress intensity factors, and the stress
and strain calculations because the stresses and strains in the region close to
the crack tip are more accurate. If r is the distance from
the crack tip, the strain singularity in small-strain analysis is
Modeling the Crack-Tip Singularity in Two Dimensions
The square root and
singularity can be built into a finite element mesh using standard elements.
The crack tip is modeled with a ring of collapsed quadrilateral elements, as
shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Collapsed two-dimensional element.
To obtain a mesh singularity, generally second-order elements are used and
the elements are collapsed as follows:
Collapse one side of an 8-node isoparametric element (CPE8R, for example) so that all three nodes—a,
b, and c—have the same geometric
location (on the crack tip).
Move the midside nodes on the sides connected to the crack tip to the
1/4 point nearest the crack tip. You can create “quarter point” spacing with
second-order isoparametric elements when you generate nodes for a region of a
mesh; see
Creating Quarter-Point Spacing.
This procedure will create the strain singularity
singularity cannot be created using
elements, but the combination of the
terms can provide a reasonable approximation for .
If 4-node isoparametric elements (for example, CPE4R) are used, one side of the element is collapsed, and the two
coincident nodes are free to displace independently, a
singularity is created.
If the crack region is meshed with linear elements, the position specified
for the midside nodes is ignored.
Creating a Square Root Singularity
If nodes a, b, and
c are constrained to move together,
and the strains and stresses are square root singular (suitable for linear
Constrain the collapsed nodes to move together by specifying
the same node number in the list of nodes forming the element or by using a
linear constraint equation or multi-point constraint to tie them
Creating a 1/r Singularity
If the midside nodes remain at the midside points rather than being moved
to the 1/4 points and nodes a, b, and
c are allowed to move independently, only the
singularity in strain is created (suitable for perfect plasticity).
Creating a Combined Square Root and 1/r Singularity
If the midside nodes are moved to the 1/4 points but nodes
a, b, and c are
allowed to move independently, the singularity created is a combination of the
square root and
singularities. This combination is usually best for a power-law hardening
material. However, since the
singularity dominates, moving the midside nodes to the 1/4 points gives only
slightly better results than if the nodes are left at the midside points. Since
creating a mesh with the midside nodes moved to the quarter points can be
difficult, it is often best to simply use the
Modeling the Crack-Tip Singularity in Three Dimensions
To create singular fields, 20-node bricks and 27-node bricks can be used
with a collapsed face (see
Figure 3).
Figure 3. Collapsed three-dimensional element.
The planes of the three-dimensional elements perpendicular to the crack line
should be planar for the best accuracy. If they are not planar, the element
Jacobian may become negative at some integration points when the midside nodes
are moved to the 1/4 points. To correct this problem, move the midside nodes
slightly away from the 1/4 points toward the midpoint position (the distance
moved is not critical).
Creating a Square Root Singularity
To obtain a square root singularity, constrain the nodes on the collapsed
face of the edge planes to move together and move the nodes to the 1/4 points.
If the nodes at the midplane of a collapsed 20-node brick are constrained
to move together, ;
therefore, the singularity is not the same on the midplane as on an edge plane.
This difference causes local oscillations in the solution about the crack tip
along the crack line, although normally the oscillations are not significant.
If all midface nodes and the centroid node are included in a 27-node brick
and the midside and midface nodes are moved to the 1/4 points closest to the
crack line, the oscillation in the local stress and strain fields can be
Constrain the collapsed nodes to move together by specifying
the same node number in the list of nodes forming the element or by using a
linear constraint equation or multi-point constraint to tie them
Creating a 1/r Singularity
To obtain a
singularity, allow the three nodes on the collapsed face to displace
independently and keep the midside nodes at the midpoints.
Creating a Combined Square Root and 1/r Singularity
To obtain a combined square root and
singularity, allow the nodes on the collapsed face to displace independently
and move the midside nodes to the 1/4 points. As in the two-dimensional case,
if it is difficult to create the mesh with the nodes moved to the 1/4 points,
simply use the
The size of the crack-tip elements influences the accuracy of the solutions:
the smaller the radial dimension of the elements from the crack tip, the better
the stress, strain, etc. results will be and, therefore, the better the contour
integral calculations will be.
The angular strain dependence is not modeled with the singular elements.
Reasonable results are obtained if typical elements around the crack tip
subtend angles in the range of 10° (accurate) to 22.5° (moderately accurate).
Since the crack tip causes a stress concentration, the stress and strain
gradients are large as the crack tip is approached. Path dependence in the
evaluation of the J-integral may be an indication that the
mesh is not sufficiently refined, but path independence does not prove mesh
convergence. The finite element mesh must be refined in the vicinity of the
crack to get accurate stresses and strains; however, accurate
J-integral results can frequently be obtained even with a
relatively coarse mesh.
In many cases if sufficiently fine meshes are used, accurate contour
integral values can be obtained without using singular elements.
Modeling the Crack-Tip Region in Shells
Focused meshes can be used, but not all of the three-dimensional shell
elements in
can be collapsed. Elements S8R and S8RT cannot be degenerated into triangles; element types S4, S4R, S4R5, S8R5, and S9R5 can.
The quarter-point technique (moving the midside nodes to the quarter points
to give a
singularity for elastic fracture mechanics applications) can be used with S8R5 and S9R5 elements but not with S8R(T) elements. When the quarter-point technique is used with S9R5 elements, the midface node should be moved to the quarter-point
position along with the two midside nodes.
If S8R(T) elements are used, a keyhole should be introduced at the crack
Flaws lying in the plane through the thickness of a shell can be modeled
using line spring elements; see
Line Spring Elements for Modeling Part-through Cracks in Shells.
In many cases line spring elements provide accurate
J-integral and stress intensity values, but these elements
are limited to modeling small strain and rotations. Limited modeling of
plasticity is also allowed with line springs.
Constructing a Fracture Mechanics Mesh for Finite-Strain Analysis with the Conventional Finite Element Method
In large-strain analysis (when geometric nonlinearities are included)
singular elements should not normally be used. The mesh must be sufficiently
refined to model the very high strain gradients around the crack tip if details
in this region are required. Even if only the J-integral
is required, the deformation around the crack tip may dominate the solution and
the crack-tip region will have to be modeled with sufficient detail to avoid
numerical problems.
Physically, the crack tip is not perfectly sharp. Therefore, it is normally
modeled as a blunted notch with a radius of ,
is a characteristic dimension of the plastic zone ahead of the crack tip. The
notch must be small enough that, at the loads of interest, the deformed shape
of the notch no longer depends on the original geometry. Typically, the notch
must blunt out to more than four times its original radius for the deformed
shape to be independent of the original geometry. The size of the elements
around the notch should be about 1/10 the notch-tip radius to obtain accurate
If a crack is modeled as sharp, the finite elements near the crack tip may
not be able to approximate the high gradients, resulting in convergence
problems. The stress and strain results around the crack tip will probably be
inaccurate even if convergence is achieved. However, if the solution converges,
the contour integral results should be reasonably accurate. The convergence
difficulties will probably be greater in three dimensions than in two
In situations involving finite rotations but small strains, such as bending
of slender structures, a small “keyhole” around the crack tip should be
modeled. If the hole is small, the results will not be affected significantly
and problems in dealing with the singular strains at the crack tip will be
Using Constraints with the Conventional Finite Element Method
General multi-point constraints and linear constraint equations (About Kinematic Constraints)
should not be used on nodes in the mesh regions where contour integrals are
calculated unless the nodes involved in the constraint are located at the same
point. The nodes at the crack tip of a focused mesh can be tied together using
multi-point constraints without adversely affecting the contour integral
calculations. Tying these nodes will change the singularity at the crack tip,
but path independence of the contour integral will be maintained. In addition,
path independence of the contour integrals will not be affected if two faces of
a model are joined using MPC type TIE or a linear constraint equation, provided that all nodes of the two
faces are coincident. Using multi-point constraints for mesh refinement or for
applying symmetry/antisymmetry boundary conditions within the contour integral
region will result in path dependence of the contour integrals. No warning or
error messages are provided if this rule is violated.
You can request contour integrals in fracture mechanics problems that were
modeled using the following procedures:
static (Static Stress Analysis)
with both XFEM and the conventional finite
element methods;
quasi-static (Quasi-Static Analysis)
with the conventional finite element method only;
Contour integrals can be requested only in general analysis steps: they are
not calculated in linear perturbation analyses (General and Perturbation Procedures).
A crack analysis with pressure applied on the crack surfaces might give inaccurate contour
integral values if geometric nonlinearity is included in a step. Similarly, the calculated
results of the stress intensity factors and T-stress might not be accurate if geometric
nonlinearity is included in a step.
Contour integral calculations include the following distributed load types:
thermal loads;
distributed loads, including crack face pressure and traction loads on
continuum elements as well as those applied using user subroutine
distributed loads, including surface traction loads and crack face edge
loads on shell elements as well as those applied using user subroutine
uniform and nonuniform body forces; and
centrifugal loads on continuum and shell elements.
Contributions to the contour integral due to concentrated loads in the
domain are not included; instead, the mesh must be modified to include a small
element and a distributed load must be applied to this element.
Contributions due to contact forces are not included.
Material Options
J-integral calculations are valid for linear elastic,
nonlinear elastic, and elastic-plastic materials. Plastic behavior can be
modeled as nonlinear elastic (Deformation Plasticity),
but the results are generally best if the material is modeled by incremental
plasticity and is subject to proportional, monotonic traction loading.
If unloading has taken place in the plastic zone around the crack tip, the
J-integral will not be valid except in very limited cases.
The stress intensity factor calculation is valid for cracks in homogeneous,
linear elastic materials. It is also valid for an interfacial crack between two
different isotropic linear elastic materials. It is not valid for any other
types of materials, including user-defined materials.
The crack propagation direction is valid only for homogeneous, isotropic
linear elastic materials.
The T-stress is valid only for homogeneous, isotropic
linear elastic materials. Although the T-stress is
calculated using the linear elastic material properties of the body with a
crack, it is usually used with the J-integral calculated
using the elastic-plastic material properties of the body (see
T-stress extraction).
If there is material discontinuity, the normal to the material discontinuity
line must be specified for all nodes on the material discontinuity that will
lie in a contour integral domain. The normal can be specified by defining
user-specified normals (see
Normal Definitions at Nodes)
for the elements on both sides of the discontinuity or by using nodal normal
coordinates for the nodes on the discontinuity. Contour integral calculations
cannot be performed for a crack with a material discontinuity line passing
through its tip (except for an interfacial crack between two different
materials). Therefore, you should be careful when specifying a normal that is
not perpendicular to the virtual crack extension direction,
for the nodes at the crack tip.
When used with XFEM, the contour integral can be evaluated only
in first-order or second-order tetrahedral and first-order brick elements. The following
paragraphs apply only to the conventional finite element method.
The contour integral evaluation capability in Abaqus/Standard assumes that the elements that lie within the domain used for the calculations are
quadrilateral elements in two-dimensional or shell models or are bricks or second-order
tetrahedral elements in continuum three-dimensional models. You should not use triangles or
wedges in the mesh that is included in the contour integral regions. The elements within the
contour domain should be of the same type.
In shell structures the contour integrals calculated by Abaqus/Standard are contour independent only if the deformation mode around the crack tip is primarily
membrane. If there are significant bending or transverse shear effects in the domain, the
contour integrals may not be contour independent and contour integral values should be
obtained directly from the displacements and/or the stresses.
Generalized plane strain elements, generalized axisymmetric elements with
twist, asymmetric-axisymmetric elements, membrane elements, and cylindrical
elements should not be used in the contour integral regions.
The domain associated with each contour is calculated automatically. The
nodes belonging to each domain can be printed in the data file; see
Controlling the Amount of analysis input file processor Information Written to the Data File.
If you are using the conventional contour integral method, for each domain
creates a new node set in the output database to include these nodes.
In addition, new node sets are created in the output database for nodes on
crack surfaces and on free surfaces whose nodal normals are calculated by
Contour integrals cannot be recovered from the restart file as described in
About Output.
You should not request element output extrapolated to the nodes (Element Output)
for second-order elements with one collapsed side in two dimensions or one
collapsed face in three dimensions.
Default Contour Integral Output
By default, the contour integral values are written to the data file and to
the output database file. The following naming convention is used for contour
integrals written to the output database:
integral-type: abbrev-integral-type at history-output-request-name_crack-name_internal-crack-tip-node-set-name__Contour_contour-number
where integral-type can be
Crack propagation direction (Cpd)
J-integral (J)
J-integral estimated from Ks (JKs)
Stress intensity factor K1 (K1)
Stress intensity factor K2 (K2)
T-stress (T)
For example,
J-integral: J at JINT_CRACK_CRACKTIP-1__Contour_1
Writing the Contour Integrals to the Results File
You can choose to write the contour integral values to the results file in
addition to the data file.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to write the contour integrals to the results file instead of the data
You can control the output frequency, in increments, of contour integrals.
By default, the crack-tip location and associated quantities will be printed
every increment. Specify an output frequency of 0 to suppress contour integral
The output frequency for contour integral output to the output database is controlled by the
larger of the frequency values specified for history output to the output database (see Output to the Output Database) or for contour integral output. If you specify an
output frequency of 0 for the history output to the output database, contour integral
values will not be written to the output database.
For the conventional contour integral method, if contours are specified, you can request the averaged value of contour
integrals over contours (starting from contour number ) as nodal field output written to the output database.
Nodal field output is not available for the XFEM-based
contour integral method.
The following nodal field output variables are available:
Lei, Y., “J-Integral
Evaluation for Cases Involving Non-proportional
Stressing,” Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, vol. 72, pp. 577–596, 2005.
Lei, Y., N. P. O'Dowd, and G. A. Webster, “Fracture
Mechanics Analysis of a Crack in a Residual Stress
Field,” International Journal of
Fracture, vol. 106, pp. 195–216, 2000.