This index lists the sections in this guide that apply to a particular Abaqus product.
This page discusses:
Rotation variables
Strain measures
Rate of deformation and strain increment
The additive strain rate decomposition
Equilibrium and virtual work
Stress measures
Stress rates
State storage
Energy balance
About mechanical constitutive models
Nonlinear solution methods in Abaqus/Standard
Quasi-Newton solution technique
Direct cyclic algorithm
Eigenvalue buckling prediction
Modified Riks algorithm
Implicit dynamic analysis
Intermittent contact/impact
Subspace dynamics
Equivalent rigid body dynamic motion
Eigenvalue extraction
Linear dynamic analysis using modal superposition
Damping options for modal dynamics
Modal dynamic analysis
Response spectrum analysis
Steady-state linear dynamic analysis
Random response analysis
Base motions in modal-based procedures
Direct steady-state dynamic analysis
Subspace-based steady-state dynamic analysis
Steady-state transport analysis
Effective stress principle for porous media
Discretized equilibrium statement for a porous medium
Constitutive behavior in a porous medium
Continuity statement for the wetting liquid phase in a porous medium
Solution strategy for coupled diffusion/deformation
Coupled acoustic-structural medium analysis
Piezoelectric analysis
Uncoupled heat transfer analysis
Shell heat conduction
Cavity radiation
View factor calculation
Coupled thermal-electrical analysis
Mass diffusion analysis
Substructuring and substructure analysis
Submodeling analysis
J-integral evaluation
Stress intensity factor extraction
T-stress extraction
Prediction of the direction of crack propagation
Solid element formulation
Hybrid incompressible solid element formulation
Solid isoparametric quadrilaterals and hexahedra
Continuum elements with incompatible modes
Triangular, tetrahedral, and wedge elements
Generalized plane strain elements
Axisymmetric elements
Axisymmetric elements allowing nonlinear bending
Solid infinite elements
Acoustic infinite elements
Membrane elements
Truss elements
Axisymmetric membranes
Beam element formulation
Euler-Bernoulli beam elements
Hybrid beam elements
Mass and inertia for Timoshenko beams
Meshed beam cross-sections
Axisymmetric shell elements
Shear flexible small-strain shell elements
Triangular facet shell elements
Finite-strain shell element formulation
Axisymmetric shell element allowing asymmetric loading
Transverse shear stiffness in composite shells and offsets from the midsurface
Rotary inertia for five degree of freedom shell elements
Rebar modeling in two dimensions
Rebar modeling in three dimensions
Rebar modeling in shell, membrane, and surface elements
Hydrostatic fluid calculations
Elbow elements
Frame elements with lumped plasticity
Buckling strut response for frame elements
Tube support elements
Line spring elements
Flexible joint element
Rotary inertia element
Distributing coupling constraints
About plasticity models
Integration of plasticity models
About metal plasticity models
Isotropic elasto-plasticity
Stress potentials for anisotropic metal plasticity
Rate-dependent metal plasticity (creep)
Models for metals subjected to cyclic loading
Porous metal plasticity
Cast iron plasticity
ORNL constitutive theory
Deformation plasticity
Heat generation caused by plastic straining
Porous elasticity
Models for granular or polymer behavior
Critical state models
Drucker-Prager/Cap model for geological materials
Mohr-Coulomb model
Models for crushable foams
An inelastic constitutive model for concrete
Damaged plasticity model for concrete and other quasi-brittle materials
Constitutive model for jointed materials
Hyperelastic material behavior
Fitting of hyperelastic and hyperfoam constants
Anisotropic hyperelastic material behavior
Mullins effect
Permanent set
Finite-strain viscoelasticity
Frequency domain viscoelasticity
Small-sliding interaction between bodies
Finite-sliding interaction between deformable bodies
Finite-sliding interaction between a deformable and a rigid body
Contact pressure definition
Pressure and fluid flow in pore pressure contact
Coulomb friction
Thermal interface definition
Heat generation caused by frictional sliding
Heat generation caused by electrical current
Surface-based acoustic-structural medium interaction
Centrifugal, Coriolis, and rotary acceleration forces
Baseline correction of accelerograms
Loading due to an incident dilatational wave field
Pressure penetration loading with surface-based contact
Pressure load stiffness
Load stiffness for beam elements
Pressure loadings on elbow elements
Sliding constraint
Shell to solid constraint
Revolute joint
Universal joint
Local velocity constraint
Kinematic coupling