Creating a Defect Action

You can create a defect action either when promoting the defect to the Open state, or from the Defect Actions page for the defect. A defect action is created in the Evaluate state. A defect must be in at least the Open state before defect actions can be created. If the defect is in the Closed state when a defect action for it is created, the defect is demoted to the Open state.

Required access roles:

  • App-specific: Defect Engineer
  • Baseline: Author

When viewing the Properties page or Dependents page for a defect action, you can create a defect action that depends on the completion of the current defect action.

  1. Do one of the following to create a defect action:

    To create the defect action from the defect's Properties page:

    1. View the Properties page for a defect. The defect must be in the "Evaluate" state. See Defect Properties.
    2. On the toolbar, click To Open .

    To create the defect action from the list of existing defect actions:

    1. View the list of defect actions for a defect. See Defect Actions Page.
    2. On the toolbar, click Create Defect Action .

    To create a dependent defect action:

    1. View the Properties page for a defect action. See Defect Action Properties.
    2. On the toolbar, click Create New Dependent .


    1. View the Properties page for a defect action. See Defect Action Properties.
    2. In the navigation pane, select Dependents.
    3. From the page toolbar, select Actions > Create New Dependent .
    The Defect Action window or the Defect Action: Create Dependent Action window opens.

    The Defect Details section shows several fields from the defect for reference. If you chose to create a dependent defect action, the page header shows Create Dependent Action.

  2. Enter these details:

    Field NameDescription
    TitleEnter a short defect action title.
    DescriptionEnter a more detailed description of the defect action.
    Defect Action Type Select an option from the list.
    • Software
    • Hardware
    • Documentation
    • Test
    SubscribersClick the ellipsis button to select people and member lists to be notified whenever a change is made to this defect action. For reference, the page also shows the list of people subscribed to the defect. These people are automatically copied on notifications about the defect action and do not need to be selected here.
    Due DateSet the date that this defect action should be completed. If an expected completion date was set for the defect, the due date cannot be later than that date.
    NotesUse this field to enter discussion notes about the defect action.

  3. Click Done.
  4. After creating a defect action you also need to perform these steps:

The defect action shows on the list of defect actions for the defect. If you created a dependent defect action, it also shows on the defect actions list and on the Dependents page for the context defect action.