Content CategoriesAll data generated by the Performance Study app is in the Evaluation category. The content you can access and the tasks you can perform depend on your access role. For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Content Categories. Access RolesPerformance Study uses the 3DEXPERIENCE platform 3DSpace baseline access roles that your business administrator assigns to you. The table below describes the level of access for each role. The Physics Simulation apps use the following business roles:
The access roles provide hierarchical access. For the baseline access roles, Leader includes all access that a Contributor has (who has all access that a Reader has) plus additional specific accesses. In the above table, an access role has all the accesses of the roles that appear above it. Restricted roles allow partners to access content owned by their company within a specific collaborative space. The table below describes the level of access for restricted roles for design tasks. For more information, see Restricted Responsibilities.
The Owner (Restricted) access role can perform the same actions as an Owner for content owned by their organization. Your business administrator can configure rules that change the default access behavior. On premises only: Your business administrator can change the default responsibilities that
control your access to commands, content, and collaborative spaces. Companies can also
implement additional customized responsibilities.
This guide describes the default behavior when describing access to content or commands. Your access to content or commands is determined by more than your responsibility. The current collaborative space, your organization, the current lifecycle state of the content, the app you are using, and other customizations all affect whether you can access content or commands. You might have access to some content or commands only under certain conditions. For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Responsibilities. |