
This example guides you through creating and using 3DDashboards in an engineering workflow to collaborate, stay informed, and complete tasks.

Engineering teams rely on communication, organization, and a common platform to innovate and engineer better products. These teams can implement dashboards to organize and complete their daily work and to access relevant team information.

This example follows members of an engineering team as they create dashboards and implement them to organize, enact, validate, and approve a design update to change the number of teeth on a sprocket in an existing assembly. The instructions in this example and the dashboards themselves are meant as exemplary suggestions; dashboards can be used and customized to facilitate many workflows in many industries.

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Problem Description

You and your colleagues can complete this example as different members of the engineering team. Members of the team will create dashboards, organize, and carry out a project. The team has been asked to change the number of teeth on a sprocket, and then validate the change in the greater product assembly.

The engineering team will manage and validate the design update by using a workflow and team dashboard approach.

Workflow Dashboards
Workflow dashboards are validated, tailored dashboards typically designed by a domain expert for use in a business role. Workflow dashboards are used by each member to carry out their daily work
Team Dashboard
Team dashboards are static, managed, launchpads for a team to access workflow dashboard templates and relevant project and community information. The team dashboard acts as a single source of truth that can be viewed by the whole team, but it is typically managed and maintained by a dashboard manager, with input from domain experts.

In this example, each domain expert will create a workflow dashboard template for their corresponding team member to copy and customize. Copying the template allows each team member to have their own workflow dashboard that is only accessible by them. There will be a different template for the team leader, design engineer, and simulation analyst workflow dashboards. Each template will contain apps and information specific to the workflow of each member. These workflow dashboards are designed to be a starting point for team members to complete the tasks within the scope of this example, but you can customize a workflow dashboard for your typical work. The diagram below introduces the team members and the dashboards they will work with:

The Domain Experts know what is best for the productivity of each domain, so they create workflow dashboards for each of their domains.

The Dashboard Manager creates and manages the team dashboard with the latest workflow dashboards, onboarding, and information for users to access.

End Users benefit from using tailored workflow dashboards made by each domain's expert to complete their daily tasks. Small teams or entire engineering departments can benefit from workflow dashboards.

The video below introduces how the team will use team and workflow dashboards.

This video is based on the user interface in an earlier release, but the concepts described are still valid.

Click Play to watch the video:


The workflow diagram below provides an overview of the example. This example consists of four stages to create the dashboards and four stages to complete the workflow. The diagram shows the steps each character performs as you proceed through the example. It also shows the apps that they use in each step, if applicable. Clicking a number in the diagram opens its corresponding step in the example.

You can complete this example with a group by assigning the roles of the team members to your colleagues. Verify that each team member has the correct roles to access the apps needed for each stage. If you are completing this example as Taylor Team Leader, Darcy Design Engineer, or Sam Simulation Analyst, check the diagram below to verify that you can access to all of the apps required to complete your assigned stage. If you are completing this example as any of the domain experts or Damien Dashboard Manager, you can navigate to each character's stage in the table below to view the apps required to create each dashboard. You can also complete this example alone, but your roles must grant access to all of the apps in the diagram below. For more information on role assignment, see About Roles.

After creating the workflow dashboards, complete each stage of the example in sequential order to ensure that each role has the required dashboards and up-to-date data.

Create the Workflow DashboardsCreate the Team DashboardCreate and Manage the ProjectMake the Design UpdateAnalyze the Design UpdateApprove the Design Update
Task Description
Setup Import data and set up your preferences before completing this example.
1 Create the Workflow Dashboards

As Taha Team Leader Domain Expert, you will create a workflow dashboard for Taylor Team Leader to use in her management work.

As Diego Design Engineer Domain Expert, you will create a workflow dashboard for Darcy Design Engineer to use in her design work.

As Sahit Simulation Analysis Domain Expert, you will create a workflow dashboard for Sam Simulation Analyst to use in his analysis work.

4 Create the Team Dashboard As Damien Dashboard Manager, you will create a team dashboard for members of your organization to access dashboard templates and information.
5 Create and Manage the Project As Taylor Team Leader, you will create a project to contain the tasks that will be carried out to update the part.
6 Make the Design Update As Darcy Design Engineer, you will update the design and run a preliminary validation.
7 Analyze the Design Update As Sam Simulation Analyst, you will perform analysis and a final validation of the design update.
8 Approve the Design Update As Taylor Team Leader, you will review, approve, and share the project.