Platform Settings and Tools Management

This section provides you with more information about the 3DSwym Management command that lets you access the settings of your communities.

In the top bar, select Communities Menu > 3DSwym Management.

This page discusses:

Manage Communities

This tab provides access to:

+ Community

Click it to create a community.

The list of your communities

Click a community to access the following:

TabCommandFor more information, see...
Members Delete

Deleting a Community


Sharing a Community

Import users to this community

Importing Users to a community.

Export list of community users

Exporting a list of Community Users to a File

Remove users from this community

Removing Users from a Community


Note: The Delete, Edit, and Share commands described in the Members tab are also available in this tab.


View Statistics


Manage Settings

Manage Requests

This tab provides access to:

Pending Community Creation Requests

This section displays the list of new community requests. For more information, see Validating a New Community Request.

Community Request History

If any, this section displays the list of community requests that you have already answered. For more information, see Validating a New Community Request

Report Abuse Management

This section displays the list of abuses reported by any member of the community. It lets you moderate the content of your community by identifying the item on which a community member reported an abuse. For more information, see Managing Abuse Reports.

Community and content moderation

This section lets you access higher access rights to moderate content.

Manage Community Managers

This tab lets you add administrators to your platform and access the administrators profiles. Users that are platform administrators are also 3DSwym administrators. You can add other categories of users as 3DSwym administrators.

Manage Media Processing

This tab lets you access and interact with any media processing activity within your communities.

Note: 6WTags lets you filter media using media processing status explicit tag Job Status. For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: 6WTags.

You can click:

  • Restart processing to process the media again. Video, audio, 3D model, and drawing files are specifically processed. The status of the media becomes ready-to-process. Once the media processing is over, the status becomes processed.
  • Download processing logs to download the processing logs of any media available in your communities. If the process fails, an error status may appear along with a message explaining the processing failure. Moreover, you can download the processing logs to send them to Dassault Systèmes support.
  • Download original media to download it.

View Statistics

This tab lets you monitor your platform activities, such as the number of communities created in a given period of time, the number of users per role, the number of contributions per type, and the most read contributors. A From / To date picker lets you narrow the results to a given date range. You can export statistics data to analyze it using a spreadsheet. For more information, see Exporting Statistics.

The list below explains some basics about the metrics labels of some of the exported csv files:

  • Statistical computation - Date ranges. By default, reports cover data based on the current date. If you select a different date range, most of the metrics are updated accordingly, for example, the nb_user_visits field. However, some of them do not take into account date ranges, for example, the totalusersperountry field.
  • Terminology:
    • User's visits. It refers to the number of unique visitors who have accessed content during a single day, regardless of how often they access the platform during that period of time. For example, in the nb_user_visits field.
    • Pageview. It refers to an instance of a page that has been loaded in a browser or within an app running in a dashboard. A pageview metric shows the total number of viewed pages. For example, if a page has been viewed more than once, the nb_pageviews field records the number of views.
    • Contributor visits. It refers to the number of unique visitors who have published content in a community during a single day, regardless of how often they access the platform during that period of time. For example, in the nb_contributor_visits field.
    • Content. It refers to a post, media, question, idea, wiki page, or survey. For example, in the last_content_update field.
  • Additional notes:
    • Time duration is expressed in seconds. For example, in the avg_time_answer_question field.
    • Disk size metrics are expressed in bytes. For example, in the disk_used_in_bytes field.

Manage Settings

This tab lets you access:


This section lets you edit the preferences below. Click Save before selecting another tab.

  • Share. Unselected by default, select any of the social sharing services to make them available in the Share menu of the top bar.
    • Facebook
    • Google
    • Twitter
  • Create a community. Lets you specify community creation preferences.
    • Administrators only.Only platform administrators can create a community.

      By default, This option is selected.

    • Under administrators approval. Employees can request a community creation using the Community creation request form that must be validated by the platform administrator.
    • Every employee except contractors. Employees only can create a community.

  • Activate user customization
    • Profile picture: clear it to prevent users from changing their profile picture.

      By default, this option is selected.

  • User picture api token

    Provides a token that you can use to update all your user's pictures using a batch. For more information, see the 3DEXPERIENCE Developer Assistance.

    • The supported archive file extension is .zip.
    • The supported picture files extension is .jpg
    • The expected picture files format is login.jpg. For example, jfk.jpg.
    • Clear the Profile picture check-box above to prevent users from changing their profile picture manually before you run the batch.

Maximum media file size for uploading

This section lets you customize a maximum file size per media in megabytes. You can specify the values that best fit the platform storage, performance, or security constraints.

Important: You cannot modify these values on a public cloud platform.


This section provides a quick overview on your communities Disk space usage, Number of communities, Number, and type of users.

Community Logo Customization

On the logo, click Change to select a new image. You can select one from the list of media provided by public communities or upload it from your computer.