In the left pane, select the page in the Wiki Tree you want to edit.
Edit the Title and the content.
Format your text and attach some media. You can access the following:
Format Paragraph to apply some preformatted styles.
If you apply a Heading 1 or Heading 2 style, users will be able to browse the document structure from anywhere in the page, by clicking Anchor in the top right of the page then selecting the corresponding header.
Add Media to add a media.
If you are the community owner, in the top right of the page, click Access and Editing to select the page access and editing rights below:
Page Editing. Enables or disables page or subpages editing rights to authors and contributors only.
Page Access: Lets you access the following:
Public: Enables page reading access to any member of the
Private: Limits the visibility of this page to some users
only. In the Search for Users field add one to n users. Only
those users will see the private page. By default, community owners can access a
private page without granting them any specific right. This icon appears in front of the page in the wiki tree.
Once you have switched a page to private, you can click Your page is private in the top right of the page to display
the users that can access the page. Click a user's name to access his profile.
You can change the privacy levels later. For more information, see Editing a Wiki Page
If you add some media, and even if you lock the page visibility to a
limited number of people, the given media will be available to all the members of the
community. For more information, see Locking, Unlocking, and Changing a Wiki Page Visibility.
In the Wiki revision field, add a revision description.
If you update the wiki page later without creating a revision, the changes would not affect previous revisions.
Click Publish.
If in the meantime another member has modified and published the
same page, you will be prompted to copy your latest changes to avoid losing them.
Refresh the page to get the latest saved version so you can compare it with your
If several members are editing the same page at the same time, and you publish
your changes before they publish theirs, they are also prompted to save their latest