Installing 3DSpace Index

This topic describes how to install 3DSpace Index on both Windows and Linux.

  • 3DSpace Index runs on 64-bit Windows, RHEL, and SUSE. There is no support for 32-bit platforms.
  • The ACI entry is no longer valid. Use the SERVER entry instead.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
Prerequisite Description
Platform See Prerequisites for UNIX/Linux or Prerequisites for Windows

You must have access privileges to install software on the target machine. Otherwise, you cannot start the installation.

On UNIX/Linux, do not log in as root as this creates a potential security vulnerability and root installation is not officially supported. Create a user with install privileges and log in as that user.

On Windows, you must log in as a user who belongs to the Administrators group or has the privileges assigned to the Administrators group.

Program Directory

It contains all release information for all Dassault Systèmes products. Read it to get the latest information about prerequisites, installation, licensing, product enhancements, general issues, open issues, user assistance addenda, and closed issues.

Port Range

The CloudView server needs a continuous range of 100 TCP ports to operate correctly.

Important: Many Linux kernels already use ports 32768 through 61000 as ephemeral ports.

The file system path /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range contains the range in use.

By default, 3DSpace Index runs on a port range of 19000-19100. If the ip_local_port_range specified is within this range, other client connections may come in and grab a port between 19000 and 19100. This prevents the server to start/restart.

Stop the EXALEAD service on Windows

On Windows, if 3DSpace Index is already running and you are reinstalling or upgrading the software, stop the EXALEAD service (AdvancedSearchServerXL or AdvancedSearchFileConverter) before starting the installation.

To stop the service, see the Complete Post-Installation Tasks table.

Access to DSLS Servers

The CloudView server must have access to one or more DSLS servers. To make this access possible:

  • You must have a DSLicSrv.txt file referencing the DSLS server on the machine hosting the CloudView server:
    • For a Windows platform: C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\Licenses\DSLicSrv.txt
    • For a Linux platform: /var/DassaultSystemes/Licenses/DSLicSrv.txt
  • These DSLS servers must be up and running, and accessible from the machine hosting the CloudView server.

Install 3DSpace Index


During setup, choose between the following install options:

  • Single Search Server
  • High Availability Main Server
  • High Availability Secondary Server
  • File Converter Only

  • The File Converter handles file indexing. Install it on every File Collaboration Server (FCS). If the FCS lives on the same machine as the CloudView server, there is no need to install the File Converter.
  • The setup installs a plugin called ConsolidationServerRules to manage the CloudView Consolidation Server.

  1. Procure the media for your operating system, and prepare to install the software as explained in Installation and Setup | 3DEXPERIENCE Platform | 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation | Installing 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Services for the First Time | Installing Services One-by-One | DS Installer.

    The name of the installation media is:

    • on Windows
    • 3DSpaceIndex-V6R2022x.Linux64.tar.gz on Linux

  2. Untar/unzip the media to create the following directory:

    • 3DSpaceIndex.Windows64 on Windows
    • 3DSpaceIndex.Linux64 on Linux

  3. Change to the distribution directory.

    The directory is:

    • 3DSpaceIndex.Windows64/1 on Windows
    • 3DSpaceIndex.Linux64/1 on Linux

    Then start the installation as follows:

    • Windows: Double-click setup.exe
    • Linux: ./ for the GUI, or ./

    The installation procedure starts, and a dialog box displays a welcome message.

    Click Next to move to the next step.

  4. Specify the installation directory.

    For example:

    • C:\ProgramFiles\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DSpaceIndex on Windows.
    • /usr/DassaultSystemes/R2022x/3DSpaceIndex on Linux.
    Note: The installation path cannot contain any space characters.

    Or, click Browse... To choose the directory.

    Important: For Japanese installations, if you are installing on a Japanese Windows Server, the destination location must not contain Japanese characters. If it does, you cannot install the service.

    Click Next.

  5. Select your installation mode:

    • Simple


      • The server hostname and baseport.
      • The admin password to connect to the CloudView Administration Console.

      The installer forces the following parameters:
      • Installation in non-HA mode.
      • Default baseport is 19000.
      • One slice.
      • One analyzer.
      • Embedded JDK.

      Click Next and then Install to begin the installation. Go to step 11.

    • Custom

      Follow installation steps below (6 to 10). Click Next to continue.

  6. (Steps 6 to 10 only apply to Custom installation type)

    Select one of the following installation types:

    Installation type Description
    Single Search Server

    Installs the index/search server in stand-alone mode. Setup starts a Java application that uses system properties to determine the default parameters for the CloudView server.

    The number of slices and the number of analyzers are based on the number of processors in the machine.

    Important: For all production deployments, specify 1 slice only during setup. This is mandatory to use the graph expand feature.
    High Availability Master Server

    High Availability (HA) mode includes one main server and one secondary server. Install them on two different machines. Both servers must have the same hardware specifications (for example, number of CPUs).

    Install the main server before the secondary server. HA setup automatically pings the other server (secondary in a main install, or main in a secondary install) to ensure that it is reachable. Therefore installing the main server also requires the secondary server hostname and base port. If you do not want to ping the server, clear the Check Server Connection check box.

    High Availability Slave Server

    The secondary server must use the same number of analyzers and slices as the main server. Beside entering the secondary server name and baseport, you have to enter the main server hostname and baseport. Main and secondary hostnames must match exactly.

    Install the main server first as the secondary server synchronizes with the main server during installation.

    Important: Start the AdvancedSearchXL service on the main server before beginning the secondary server installation.

    Important: For all production deployments, specify 1 slice only during setup. This is mandatory to use the graph expand feature.
    File Converter Only

    Deploys only the file indexing feature in the target machine. Install the converter server on the same machine as the File Collaboration Server (FCS).

    If you are using additional FCS servers, install the File Converter for each FCS server.

    Click Next to continue.

  7. For Single Search Server installation type only, enter:

    • The server hostname and the server baseport.
      Important: Do not use ports within the range of ephemeral ports used by the operating system. If the specified baseport is not available, the installation fails. At the end of the installation process, the Errors.log file logs the following error: Port 19003 is not bindable. Start the installer again and specify another port.
      Important: Do not use uppercase characters in this URL (standard form specified in RFC3986).
    • 1 for the number of slices. CloudView slices distribute the index across multiple processes. For more information, see Sizing Information and Hardware Recommendations.
      Important: For all production deployments, specify 1 slice only during setup. This is mandatory to use the graph expand feature.
    • The number of analyzers. Analyzers distribute document processing across multiple threads. By default, the field displays the number of CPUs for the server. To specify the number of analyzers, the best practice is to use the following formula: # of cores/2 = # of analyzers.
    • The admin password to connect to the CloudView Administration Console

    Click Next to continue.

  8. For High Availability Master Server installation type only, enter:

    • The main server hostname and the main server baseport
      Important: Do not use ports within the range of ephemeral ports used by the operating system. If the specified baseport is not available, the installation fails. At the end of the installation process, the Errors.log file logs the following error: Port 19003 is not bindable. Start the installer again and specify another port.
      Important: Do not use uppercase characters in this URL (standard form specified in RFC3986).
    • 1 for the number of slices. CloudView slices distribute the index across multiple processes. For more information, see Sizing Information and Hardware Recommendations.
      Important: For all production deployments, specify 1 slice only during setup. This is mandatory to use the graph expand feature.
    • The number of analyzers. Analyzers distribute document processing across multiple threads. By default, the field displays the number of CPUs for the server. To specify the number of analyzers, the best practice is to use the following formula: # of cores/2 = # of analyzers.
      Note: In High Availability Master Server mode, both main and secondary servers must use the same number of slices and analyzers.
    • The admin password to connect to CloudView Administration Console.
    • The secondary server hostname and the secondary server baseport.
      Note: The Check Server Connection check box allows you to verify the connection to the secondary server.

    Click Next to continue.

  9. For High Availability Slave Server installation type only, enter:

    • The secondary server hostname and the secondary server baseport.
      Note: Install the main server before installing any secondary server. Also start the AdvancedSearchXL service on the main server before beginning the secondary server installation. The new secondary server synchronizes with the main server during installation.
      Important: Do not use uppercase characters in this URL (standard form specified in RFC3986).
    • The main server hostname and the main server baseport.
      Important: Do not use ports within the range of ephemeral ports used by the operating system. If the specified baseport is not available, the installation fails. At the end of the installation process, the Errors.log file logs the following error: Port 19003 is not bindable. Start the installer again and specify another port.

    Click Next to continue.

  10. For File Converter Only installation type only, enter:

    • The file converter hostname and baseport.
    • The admin password to connect to the CloudView Administration Console.
      Important: In R2022x, a defect prevents you from changing the default admin password, that is exalead. This limitation will be fixed in the next major release.
      Important: Do not use uppercase characters in this URL (standard form specified in RFC3986).

    Click Next to continue.

  11. For all installation types, specify the data path where you want to store the CloudView DATADIR.

    For ease of maintenance, keep the <DATADIR> path separate from the <INSTALLDIR> path.

    Click Next to continue.

  12. Once the installation is complete, the following message displays:

    The installation program has finished installing 3DEXPERIENCE VERSION on your computer
    Installed components:
    3DSpace Index

    Click Close to exit setup.

    To uninstall the program, see Uninstall 3DSpace Index.

Install 3D Indexing Server to Build Thumbnails and Simplified CGR

  1. Procure the media for your operating system, and prepare to install the software as explained in the DS Installer Guide.

    The name of the installation media is:

    • on Windows
    • 3DIndexingServer-V6R2022x.Linux64.tar.gz on Linux

  2. Untar/unzip the media to create the following directory:

    • 3DIndexingServer.Windows64 on Windows
    • 3DIndexingServer.Linux64 on Linux

  3. Change to the distribution directory.

    The directory is:

    • 3DIndexingServer.Windows64/1 on Windows
    • 3DIndexingServer.Linux64/1 on Linux

    Then start the installation as follows:

    • Windows: double-click setup.exe
    • Linux: ./ for the GUI, or ./

    The installation procedure starts, and a dialog box displays a welcome message.

    Click Next to move to the next step.

  4. Specify the installation directory.

    For example:

    • C:\ProgramFiles\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\VolumeSearch on Windows.
    • /usr/DassaultSystemes/R2022x/VolumeSearch on Linux.
    Note: The installation path cannot contain any space characters.

    Or, click Browse... To choose the directory.

    Click Next.

  5. Select whether to install shortcuts:

    Click Next.

  6. Configure the 3D Indexing Server installation.

    Parameter Description
    Server name

    3DSpace server hostname. localhost means the local computer.

    If the MCS and FCS are on different machines, enter the computer name hosting the MCS. Otherwise, warning messages appear.

    Server port number

    3DSpace server port number. This is the port number of your application server (TomEE+, etc.).

    Server RootURI

    (Optional) Root URI of the 3DSpace server, or reverse proxy if required. The default is internal.

    Important: Do not use uppercase characters in this URI (standard form specified in RFC3986).
    Indexing user

    Administrator username for accessing the server. The default is 3DIndexAdminUser.

    Indexing password

    Administrator username password.

    Recommendation: The index file stores the password. As the password is scrambled but not ciphered, store the index file on a secured computer with the appropriate rights.
    Indexing user credentials

    Specify the credentials assigned to the Administrator. In a default installation, the name of these credentials is: VPLMAdmin.Company Name.Default

    Note: Use the default VPLMAdmin.MyCompany.Default credentials to index all data of the MyCompany organization. You can however use a customized installation with a different collaborative space and organization. It is the combination of user and credentials that determines which data you can index. You can index that data only.
    Index Directory

    Specifies the complete path of the installation directory where the setup must create the index files. The default directory is C:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\VolumeSearch\3DIndexes

    The Index files location parameter, accessible when running the Index Security Administration tool, also specifies this parameter.

    Click Next to continue.

  7. Check the Creates shortcuts for 3DIndex tools option if required.

    Click Next.

  8. Review your installation choices and click Install.

    The installation starts copying files on your computer. A progression indicator appears. The dialog box informs you that the setup procedure has finished installing the software on your computer.

  9. Once the installation is complete, click Close to exit setup.

    The following icons are created on your desktop:

    • 3DIndex Environment Administration
    • Data reindexation batch
    • IndexationReport.html

    The following entries are available in the Start > All Programs menu:

    • Dassault Systèmes R2022x 3D Index Server > Tools > 3D Index Environment Administration
    • Dassault Systèmes R2022x 3D Index Server > Tools > Data Reindexation batch
    • Dassault Systèmes R2022x 3D Index Server > Tools > Environment Editor
    • Dassault Systèmes R2022x 3D Index Server > Tools > Settings Management
  10. You can now build thumbnails and simplified CGR. See Building Thumbnails and Simplified CGR.

    To uninstall the program, see Uninstall 3D Indexing Server.

Check Installation Log Files

You can consult the installation logs in:

  • install_dir\InstallData\log\ on Windows.
  • install_dir/InstallData/log/ on Linux.

Complete Post-Installation Tasks

Before you begin: After installation, perform the following tasks:
  1. Set up the services to run, either manually on UNIX or Linux, or automatically on Windows:
    Script/Service UNIX/Linux Windows
    3DSpace Index service or

    3DSpace Index File Converter service


    AdvancedSearchServerXL service or

    AdvancedSearchFileConverter service

    Start the Advanced Search Server ./$ARCH/code/command/ win_b64\code\command\startXLAdvancedSearchServer.bat
    Stop the Advanced Search Server ./$ARCH/code/command/ win_b64\code\command\stopXLAdvancedSearchServer.bat
    Start the Partial Search Index ./$ARCH/code/command/ win_b64\code\command\startXLPartialSearchIndex.bat
    Recommendation: Run the partial index every minute using cron or the Windows Task Scheduler.
  2. If you are using additional FCS servers, install the File Converter for each FCS server.

    For each FCS server, run the installation procedure again with the File Converter Only installation type. This allows the CloudView Server to use additional FCS servers for indexing.

  3. Specify connections to the CloudView main server and secondary servers in the config.xml file.

    For more information, see Configuring the Connection to the CloudView Servers.

  4. Generate physical IDs for all objects to index.

You are now ready to create and use an index.