Project Management Tasks

You can create Project Management tasks.

A Project Management task is associated with a project created in the Project Management app. Any Project Management task you create is also available in the Project Management app.

This task shows you how to:

Add a Project Management Task

A Project Management task is associated with a project created in the Project Management app.

Before you begin:

For a Project Management task, make sure that the Context field is set to the project created in the Project Management app. The task inherits that context when created. For example, if the context is set to Project123, the text in the "Create a task..." box changes to "Create a task for Project123" and the Context field for the new task is populated with the context. For more information, see Context for the Board. You must have access to a collaborative space to create a task. See Preferences.

  1. Click or click inside the Create a task... panel.
  2. Type the task name in the panel.

    You can create multiple tasks by pressing Enter after each name. The task card is immediately created.

    • You cannot use the character "|" in a task name.
    • To be able to create a task in a particular context, you must have "fromconnext" access privilege to the context object. For more information, see the MQL Concepts Guide.

  3. Click Add and Open to create the task along with its properties.
  4. When adding a task, you can work with tabs in the right-side slide-in:
    Properties See Properties.
    People See People.
    Comments See Comments.

Change a Project Management Task

  1. Click or tap on the task card to open its details.

    To view or change the task details, click the tabs or icons:

    Properties See Properties.
    People See People.
    Comments See Comments.
    Open project item Displays the Project Management in the Project Management app.
    Complete Sets the maturity state to Completed.
    Delete Deletes the task.
  2. Other considerations when changing tasks are:

    You can enter partial text in a field entry and then click to see the search results based on the partial string. You can further filter search results using tags . See 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: About 3DSearch Queries and Filtering with 6WTags.

    You can edit the actual start date on a task in the "In Work" state and the actual start and end dates on a task in the "Completed" state. The actual duration is calculated and therefore not editable for a Project Management task.

    When a task is moved to the "Completed" state, you can edit the task. "Delete" is enabled. You can reopen a completed task by clicking the "Re Open" option or by dropping it to another column.

    Note: These additional actions are available by clicking the options area on the right-side of a task card:
    • Edit the task.
    • Open project item in the Project Management app.
    • Assign to Self (displays if you are not already assigned to this task and the task in not in the Completed state).
    • Complete the task. This sets the maturity state to Completed.
    • Re Open a completed task and move it to In Work.
    • Delete the task.


You can work with task properties.

  1. If not already selected, click Properties.
  2. Work with these fields:

    Field Name Description
    Title The title of the task.
    Description A description of the task.
    Percent Complete

    The percent of the task that is complete. Move the slider in increments of 10 percent. Moving the slider from 0 to any higher value promotes the task to the Active state. This field is available in the task's properties after the task is first created.

    When you change the percent complete to 100% and if "Needs Approval" is set to "No," the task state changes to Completed. If "Needs Approval" is "Yes," the task state changes to “In Approval.”

    When you change a draft task state to "In Work," the percent complete is changed to 10%.

    When you change a completed task state to "In Work," the percent complete is changed to 90%.

    When you change a task state to "To Do" (in the properties panel or by dropping), the percent complete is changed to 0%.

    Maturity State

    The state of the task:

    Draft keeps a task private and visible only to its owner.

    To Do makes the task visible to the assignees.

    In Work means that the task is available to be worked on.

    In Approval means that the task work has been completed and it is under review.

    Completed indicates that the task is finished.

    Estimated Dates The dates on which you expect the task to start and finish.
    Estimated Duration The estimated duration value for the task, along with units of Days or Hours. For a project task, the default duration is 1 day.
    Attachments Any task-related file. Click to select from your file system. To search, you must enter some search criteria and click to search from the database and use drag. You can also drop a document from 3DDrive. See Drag and Drop.
    • To add multiple file attachments, enter each object name separated by a comma. Then press Enter or click . The search result is shown from which you can select multiple objects and click OK.
    • To download an attachment to your desktop, click next to the attachment's name.
    • Click to select Preview, Download, Remove, or Open With (for the apps available to your license).

    If you click the attachment name, you can open it in the compass with any supported 3DDashboard app. For example, you could open a 3DXML file using 3DPlay.

    To add another file, click inside the field or click . Type-ahead is available.

    For a document created with the Document Management service, these commands are available:

    • Click to select Preview, Update, Edit/Undo Edit, Download, Remove, or Open With (for the apps available to your license).

    The above commands are disabled if you do not have "lock" rights to the document. Clicking the Download command downloads the file to your desktop and locks the file. If the Microsoft Office integration is installed, and the file is a Microsoft Office file, a Microsoft Office application opens the file. Clicking the Update command lets you choose the file to upload. After a successful update, the file is "unlocked" and a new version of the file is created.

    Deliverables A deliverable is what is produced by the task. Click to select from your file system. Or click to search from the database and drag. You can also drop a document from 3DDrive. See Drag and Drop.
    • To add multiple deliverables, enter each object name separated by a comma. Then press Enter or click . The search result is shown from which you can select multiple objects and click OK.
    • To download a deliverable to your desktop, click next to the deliverable's name.
    • Click to select Preview, Download, Remove, or Open With (for the apps available to your license).

    If you click the deliverable name, you can open it in the compass with any supported 3DDashboard app. For example, you could open a 3DXML file using 3DPlay

    To add another deliverable, click inside the field or click . Type-ahead is available.

    For a document created with the Document Management service, these commands are available:

    • Click to select Preview, Update, Edit/Undo Edit, Download, Remove, or Open With (for the apps available to your license).

    The above commands are disabled if you do not have "lock" rights to the document. Clicking the Download command downloads the file to your desktop and locks the file. If the Microsoft Office integration is installed, and the file is a Microsoft Office file, a Microsoft Office application opens the file. Clicking the Update command lets you choose the file to upload. After a successful update, the file is "unlocked" and a new version of the file is created.

    Processes A simulation process or simulation process template associated with this task. To search, you must enter some search criteria and click to search from the database and drag. You can also drop a simulation process from the Process Composer app or a simulation process template from the Process Experience Studio app.
    • To add multiple process objects, enter each object name separated by a comma. Then press Enter or click . The search result is shown from which you can select multiple objects and click OK.
    • Click to select Properties, Remove, or Open With (for the apps available to your license).
    To add another simulation process or process template, click inside the field or click . Type-ahead is available.
    Task Requirement Defaults to "Optional," meaning this task does not need to be in the Complete state for its project to be completed. This setting can be changed to "Mandatory" in the Project Management app.
    Collaborative Space The collaborative space for users working this task. This is read-only and assigned when the task is created.
    More Click More to see additional fields. Fields include Actual Duration, Actual Dates (Start/Finish), Created, Modified, and Needs Approval.

    After you click Save, the task details panel collapses to show the task card.

  3. Add 6WTags to a task by selecting the task on the board and clicking . Select the tags and tag coloring you want.
    The tags for the task display in 6WTags. If you assign coloring for a task under its Type attribute, the coloring displays on the left side of the task card. This allows you to distinguish cards based on color.


You can work with assignees and view the task originator and owner.

  1. Click People.
  2. Work with these fields:

    Field Name Description
    Assignees One or more people assigned to the task. Click to search. Filter the search results using tags . You can also search for people from the global toolbar and drag from the results. See Drag and Drop.

    assigns the task to yourself.

    To add another assignee, click inside the field or click . Type-ahead is available.

    Once a task is in the "To Do" state, assignees receive notification.

    Note: On the cloud, you can only enable email notifications from 3DNotification settings. The delivered email notification is a text message without hyperlinks. To enable email notifications, click the "Project Management" app in 3DNotification settings and enable the Email option.
    Originator The creator of the task.
    Owner The owner of the task.
    Co-Owner The co-owners of the task. A co-owner can view the task on the task board using the filters for "owned by me" or "all." A co-owner can also modify the task in the same way as the owner.