Map ENOVIAvpm Objects onto 3DEXPERIENCE

This section describes in detail how the ENOVIAvpm objects are mapped onto 3DEXPERIENCE.

This application generates and posts on the server the mapping files and also generates some CATNls and CATRsc files required for a simple configuration of 3DEXPERIENCE applications. A mnimum configuration is still required on the server side but the XML mapping as well as some CATNls and CATRsc files are generated by the batch.

This application does not implement the entire configuration on the server. It generates:

  • the CATRsc files for plmvisibility (enabling the table to be queried)
  • the CATRsc and CATNls files for the plmtoolbar
  • the CATNls files defining the attribute aliases
  • the metadata files (on the server)
  • the 3DEXPERIENCE administration file (on the server)
  • the xml mapping file (on the server).

The CATNls and CATRsc files can subsequently be modified.

  • For the server level, see the appropriate Program Directory.
  • No special settings are required on the client side.
  • On the server side, the following variables must be set:
    • CATCDMA.PROVIDERV4.V4ADMINCOREMAPPING_PATH specifying the directory where the administration file is stored
    • CATCDMA.PROVIDERV4.CACHE_PATH specifying the directory where the cache files are stored.
  1. Launch the following command:
    CATUtil -Name VPMV4ToV6Mapping
  2. Connect to a 3DEXPERIENCE server.
  3. Connect to an ENOVIAvpm server.

    The ENOVIAvpm mapping dialog box appears:

  4. Click the icon to the right of the Resource directory field to specify where the CATNls and CATRsc files are to be generated.
  5. For information on how to use the Advanced options button, see Advanced Options for Attribute Mapping.
  6. For information on how to use the Generate Mapping button, see Generating Mapping and Business Logic Automatically.
  7. For information on how to use the Baseline Mapping button, see Customizing Baseline Mapping.
  8. For information on how to use the Report section at the bottom of the ENOVIAvpm mapping dialog box, see Accessing and Configuring the Attribute Mapping Report.
  9. Click the Map button. The ENOVIAvpm Mapping Tool Object Selection dialog box appears:

    Note the role name at the top, COEXISTENCE[ADMIN] in this particular case.
    • Each mapping set is related to a particular role.
    • If an ENOVIAvpm environment is not mapped, it will be non-existent in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    • You cannot change the table alias because it is defined by VPM.
    • You cannot change the customization name either.
  10. In the top left-hand part of the dialog box, select the parent type from the list showing the supported PRODUCT modeler types:

    In the main section, you can see the objects available for the selected parent type. Let's look closer at the contents of this dialog box:

  11. If you want to change one of the type names, double-click it in the Type name column and enter the name of another type.
  12. Alternatively, right-click the type name you want to change and check the appropriate type in the contextual menu that appears. Note that a delete option will also appear at the end of this list.
    • Be careful not to rename a type that you have already mapped in the current session. Otherwise, you will lose the mapping you have just done. If you attempt to rename the type, you will receive the following warning:

      This object is already mapped. You must first delete it before changing the name.

    • When you select a 3DEXPERIENCE type, the customization name changes to the name of the corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE metadata.
  13. In the Automatic attribute mapping column, the check sign appears by default to confirm the mapping of all ENOVIAvpm attributes. This is only possible if the type name is not a 3DEXPERIENCE type. You can uncheck a row in this column if you wish.
  14. Select the appropriate rows containing the different tables. The icons to the far left of the list help you do this by showing the status of each table:

    The table has not previously been mapped. You have not selected it to be mapped now.

    The table has previously been mapped. You have not selected it to be remapped.

    The table has not previously been mapped. You have selected it to be mapped now.

    The table has previously been mapped. You have selected it to be remapped.

    You have started mapping this table in this session. The mapping has not yet been saved.
    As you can see in the example shown above, the tables CATIA_MODEL and DOCUMENT have already been mapped. If you select one of them, the icon will change from to indicating your choice to remap them.

    In the same example, the other tables have never been mapped. If you select either one of them, the icon will change from to indicating your choice to map them. You can revert to the original icon by simply reselecting the row.

  15. Select Map. The ENOVIAvpm to 3DEXPERIENCE mapping interface appears:

  16. Select the parent type from the list showing the supported PRODUCT modeler types:

  17. In the 3DEXPERIENCE core type information section, you can:
    • modify the 3DEXPERIENCE core alias in the Core type alias field.
    • complete the PLMToolbar abbreviations field if necessary.
    • leave checked or uncheck the Queriable object check box (checked by default). This box indicates that the object is queryable using the Advanced Search.
  18. In the ENOVIAvpm attribute mapping section, you can make a selection in the ENOVIAvpm object alias field if the list contains more than one object:

    This is the alias of the table you are in the process of mapping. The name of this table is indicated in the grayed out ENOVIAvpm object table field to the right and cannot be modified since you selected it earlier in the ENOVIAvpm Mapping Tool Object Selection dialog box.
  19. In the lower half of the ENOVIAvpm to 3DEXPERIENCE mapping interface dialog box, you can see a mapping list. This is only an example and must normally be changed to suit your requirements. In the Attribute to be mapped section just above the list, do as follows:
    • EITHER

      map an ENOVIAvpm attribute on an existing 3DEXPERIENCE attribute:

      by opening the combo box on the left and selecting one of the ENOVIAvpm attributes:

      then, with the button displayed, selecting a 3DEXPERIENCE attribute from the combo box on the right:

      then selecting to add the mapped attribute to the list below.


      create a customized ENOVIAvpm attribute in the 3DEXPERIENCE model:

      by opening the combo box on the left and selecting one of the ENOVIAvpm attributes:

      then, with the button displayed, selecting to add the customized attribute to the list below.
      • Before adding an attribute to the table, make sure that you do not mistake the button, used for straightforward mapping on a 3DEXPERIENCE attribute, for the button, which grays out the 3DEXPERIENCE attribute list and is used for creating customized attributes. These two buttons are in fact a toggle. You click one to display the other.
      • ENOVIAvpm attributes that have been mapped to an existing 3DEXPERIENCE core attribute (i.e. non-customized) are identified in the table by the symbol in the Is core column.
      • Customized 3DEXPERIENCE attributes are automatically renamed in the attribute table below. The new 3DEXPERIENCE name is the ENOVIAvpm name preceded by the ENOVIAvpm object table name. For example, the ENOVIAvpm attribute C_VERSION is renamed VPMENV_CATIA_MODEL_C_VERSION. You can of course rename a customized attribute manually in the table.
      • Customized 3DEXPERIENCE attributes are identified in the table by the symbol in the Other information column. The symbol indicates that no additional information is available.
      • Both the type and length of the selected ENOVIAvpm and 3DEXPERIENCE attributes should be compatible. Attribute compatibility is checked when you add a new attribute or reset one.
    • select then right-click the VPM attribute column to either reset your selection or to delete from the list the ENOVIAvpm attribute in the row you selected:

      or select then right-click the 3DEXPERIENCE attribute column to delete a 3DEXPERIENCE attribute from the list using the option Remove 3DEXPERIENCE attribute.
    • double-click a 3DEXPERIENCE alias in the Alias column to change the default name i.e. the name of the ENOVIAvpm alias
    • double-click a customized attribute in the 3DEXPERIENCE attribute column to change the name that was automatically chosen when you created the attribute
    • check or leave unchecked the Id set column
      • All the attributes from the ENOVIAvpm id set have to be mapped. In a representation table, the $COID attribute(s) can also be mapped and belong to the id set but CANNOT be in a mask.
      • The 3DEXPERIENCE id set must be comparable to the ENOVIAvpm id set. If, for example, the ENOVIAvpm id set contains three ENOVIAvpm attributes, the minimum contents of the 3DEXPERIENCE id set must consist of these three corresponding attributes.
    • check or leave unchecked the Query mask, Result mask, Tree mask and Update mask columns. For an attribute to be visible in 3DEXPERIENCE, at least one of these four masks must be selected.
      • The query mask is used for the query dialog box.
      • The result mask is used for the result list.
      • The tree mask is used for the VPM Navigator tree.
      • The update mask is used for the Properties dialog box.
    • in the row of a customized ENOVIAvpm attribute, select then right-click the symbol in the Other information column to view the default values, authorized values or help values you wish to keep in 3DEXPERIENCE:

      then select the appropriate value:

      Queries can then be made using these values:

      Important: Authorized values (identified by the symbol) and help values can:
      • be supported only on customized attributes and not on core i.e. mapped attributes (identified by the symbol)
      • not be modified or defined in the ENOVIAvpm mapping application.
  20. You can also create a dummy attribute, for Business Logic purposes for example, using the Optional mapping action section at the bottom of the dialog box:

    Enter the attribute name manually in the first field, select the attribute type from the combo box, enter the attribute length in the last field then select to add the attribute to the list above.
  21. When you are satisfied with the mapping contents, click OK. The main mapping window will now reappear for each type name that you have not yet mapped. When the type name mapping for the selected environment has been completed, the ENOVIAvpm Mapping Tool Object Selection dialog box will reappear. If you want to map another environment, repeat the procedure described above.
  22. Otherwise, click Finish. The ENOVIAvpm mapping dialog box shown above reappears.
  23. Select Save if you want to launch the mapping operation later on. The batch parameters are saved in an XML file.

    When saved, this file can be edited manually and used later on to run the batch directly without accessing the batch interface. For more information, see "Running a Batch Directly from the Batch Monitor" in the Infrastructure User's Guide.

  24. If you want to launch the mapping operation now, select Run.
  25. Once the mapping operation has been completed, you must copy the generated CATNls and CATRsc files into the runtime view of the installation or add them to the environment.
  • The ENOVIAvpm mapping application does not configure the server side.
  • All ENOVIAvpm attributes must be mapped on a 3DEXPERIENCE attribute. You cannot leave any ENOVIAvpm attributes in an unmapped status because unmapped attributes are not added to the metadata as customized attributes.
  • Make sure that you map VPM attributes with similar 3DEXPERIENCE attributes.
  • If a representation is selected for mapping and its corresponding reference i.e. the PART_LIST table of the same ENOVIAvpm environment is not mapped, the corresponding reference and instance are added to the list of objects to be mapped.
  • If a reference is deleted from the mapping, all the corresponding representations and instances that were mapped are also deleted.
  • More than one representation table can be mapped on the same metadata item.
  • There must be at least one metadata item for each ENOVIAvpm environment.
  • In a single 3DEXPERIENCE metadata item, two ENOVIAvpm attributes with the same alias cannot be mapped on two different 3DEXPERIENCE attributes. For example, if two ENOVIAvpm representation tables are mapped on the same metadata and if two attributes from these tables have the same alias, they have to be mapped on the same 3DEXPERIENCE attributes.
  • 3DEXPERIENCE attribute must be compatible with the corresponding ENOVIAvpm attributes. For example, if the 3DEXPERIENCE attribute is an integer you cannot map a string on it. However, if the 3DEXPERIENCE attribute is a string you can map an integer on it. STRING 10 can be mapped to STRING 20, etc. Particular attention must be paid to such compatibility in a ENOVIAvpm > 3DEXPERIENCE / 3DEXPERIENCE > ENOVIAvpm context.
  • 3DEXPERIENCE attributes must be mapped and have a non-null value.
  • The identifier set of a ENOVIAvpm table must correspond to a 3DEXPERIENCE id set.
  • To include ENOVIAvpm attributes of $EXT/VPMInstance mapped as 3DEXPERIENCE attributes for migration purposes, the parameter:
    must be manually added to the VPMInstance definition in the mapping file.