
You can manage and create projects.

This task shows you how to:

List Projects

To list projects, you can use these options on the home page:

  • My Projects. List only your projects.
  • All Projects. Lists all projects for which you are a member.
  • Deleted Projects. Lists your deleted projects. You can restore a deleted project by clicking Restore from the project card's menu.

Resulting projects display in project cards. The most recent projects display first. If more than 50 projects are available on the server, Search for projects appears at the bottom of the project list.

There are two types of projects:

Team Project:

  • Organizes team work to produce deliverables.
  • Allows Leader/Author//Viewer as project members
  • Can be imported/exported.
  • Can be converted to an enterprise project.

Enterprise Project:

  • Can be a complex project that collaboratively governs through business objectives.
  • Shows schedule highlights.
  • Can have subtasks.
  • Can include risks.
  • The Summary and Tasks tabs show only leaf tasks. Summary tasks are ignored.
  • The Content tab shows the content for all types of tasks (summary and leaf tasks).
  • Cannot reparent summary tasks to team projects.
  • Allows Leader/Author/Viewer as project members.
  • Does not support WeDo tasks.
  • Cannot be imported/exported.
  • Cannot be converted to a team project.
  • Cannot add an enterprise project as a child under a team project.

Create a Project

First create the basic definition for the project.

  1. Click Create New Project to create the project. Or click on the Schedule tab of an existing project and select Project from the context menu.

    You can also import a team project. See Import a Team Project.

  2. Enter these details.

    Field Name Description
    Drop image here... To associate an image to the project, drag the image here from the file system or click to upload it. Click "x" to remove the image.

    When editing the project, you can clear the current image and add another.

    Title The project title.
    Project Type The type of project. The type can be Team Project or Enterprise Project .
    Create From Click inside this field to select an existing project that you can duplicate. You can enter the name of the project or click and select one. Type-ahead is available.

    The replicated project name is appended with the root project name. This identifies the parent project for the replicated project. You can also rename the replicated project.

    When you create from another project, these attribute values are not copied: Maturity, Actual Dates, Deliverables, Members, Assignees, and Contributes To.

    If you select an enterprise project, the Project Type field is set to Enterprise Project and disabled. If you select a team project, you can edit the Project Type field.

    Description A description of the project.

  3. Click Create.

    You can start building the project by using the tabs: Tasks, Working the Schedule, Members, and Content.

    At any time, you can add project properties as described in Edit a Project.

Add an Existing Project

You can add an existing project in the Schedule tab.

  1. Click on the Schedule tab of an existing project and select Add Existing Project from the context menu.
  2. For a non-contributing project, search for and select the project to add.
  3. For a "Contributes to" project, select in the "Add as" field subproject or Contributing project. Then search for and select the project to add.

Edit a Project

While working on a project, you can add or edit its details.

  1. Click Edit on the right side of the project card. Or click in the upper-right corner of any tab view.
  2. Under the Properties tab, add or edit these properties:

    Note: Dragging over the Properties tab opens the tab for dropping an object.
    Field Name Description
    Title The project title.
    Project Type A Leader can change a Team Project to anEnterprise Project .
    Note: A Team Project that includes any WeDo tasks cannot be converted/.
    You cannot change the type from Enterprise Project to Team Project.
    Description A description of the project.
    Maturity State The state of the project after its creation: To Do, In Work, or Completed.
    Contributes to The context for the project, for example, a product or another project that the project is contributing to. To change the context, click and select another context. Or click inside the field and begin entering.

    For a "Contributes to" project, the project milestones and gates display in a shadow color in the Schedule tab.

    You can also use drag-and-drop.

    Click for these options: Preview, Remove, Open, or Open With (for the apps available to your role).

    If you click the context name, you can open the context object in the compass with any supported 3DDashboard app. For example, you could open a 3DXML file using 3DPlay.

    For a document created with the Document Management service, these commands are available:

    • Click to select Preview, Update, Edit/Undo Edit, Download, Remove, or Open With (for the apps available to your role).

    The above commands are disabled if you do not have "lock" rights to the document. Clicking the Download command downloads the file to your desktop and locks the file. If the Microsoft Office integration is installed, and the file is a Microsoft Office file, a Microsoft Office application opens the file. Clicking theUpdate command lets you choose the file to upload. After a successful update, the file is "unlocked" and a new version of the file is created.

    Parent Project The parent project. Type-ahead is available. You can also drop a project from search results.

    Click to select Properties, Set as Root (disabled for root project), Detach, or Open With → Project Planning.

    If you click the parent project name, you can open it in the compass with any supported 3DDashboard app, such as Project Planning.

    Scheduling Strategy Defines how to schedule tasks.

    Time Only. Tasks are scheduled in a simple temporal way. Only task duration and dependencies between tasks matter. Resource assignment is not a factor.

    Time and Resource. In addition to task durations and dependencies between tasks, the scheduling makes sure that assigned resources are not over-booked (resources are not assigned more than one task at any point in time).

    See Tasks.

    Start Date The earliest start date for all tasks within the project. If not set, the start day is the current date.
    Attachments Reference objects for the project such as specifications and standards and all documents that are required for the team to perform the work. These are the project inputs.

    Click to select from your file system. To search, you must enter some search criteria and click to search from the database and drag. You can drag objects from 3DSpace and 3DDrive.

    • To add multiple file attachments, enter each object name separated by a comma. Then press Enter or click . The search result is shown from which you can select multiple objects and click OK.
    • Click to select Preview, Download, Update, Removeor Open With (for the apps available to your role). Edit and Undo Edit options are available for 3DSpace and MSF integration documents..

    Preview lets you preview 3DSpace and 3DDrive objects and see their properties.

    If you click the attachment name, you can open it in the compass with any supported 3DDashboard app. For example, you could open a 3DXML file using 3DPlay.

    To add another object, click inside the field or click . Type-ahead is available.

    Deliverables The objects resulting from the execution of the project.

    Click to select from your file system. Or click to search from the database and use drag-and-drop.

    • To add multiple deliverables, enter each object name separated by a comma. Then press Enter or click . The search result is shown from which you can select multiple objects and click OK.
    • Click to select Preview, Download, Update , Remove, or Open With (for the apps available to your role). Edit and Undo Edit options are available for 3DSpace and MSF integration documents.

    Preview lets you preview 3DSpace and 3DDrive objects and see their properties.

    If you click the deliverable name, you can open it in the compass with any supported 3DDashboard app. For example, you could open a 3DXML file using 3DPlay.

    To add another deliverable, click inside the field or click . Type-ahead is available.

    Last Updated The date on which this project was last updated.
    Repository for File Upload The collaborative space used for uploading project files. When you update this, the file upload repository fields for corresponding tasks and milestones are changed to reflect the project's repository. During propagation, a progress bar displays. This information is used for the Attachments and Deliverables fields. For 3DDrive folders, you need to search by entering text in the field or by clicking .

    Without the CSV role, you do not have access to the collaborative space for the file upload and you will see "No Access" in this field.

    Collaborative Space for Risk Creation Available only for enterprise projects. Risks created in the Risks tab for an Enterprise Project are created in this collaborative space.
    Calendar The calendar used for scheduling tasks. All tasks in a project are scheduled within calendar working hours.

  3. Click Save.
    Take other actions:
    Action Description Link
    People Shows the project manager and owner. Assign People
    Comments Creates comments, replies to, and endorses. --
    Copy Link Copies the project link to the clipboard. --
    Delete Deletes the project. Optionally includes subprojects. --
    Export Exports the project to a CSV file. Export a Team Project

Delete/Restore a Project

You can delete a project for which you are a leader. You can also restore a deleted project.

  1. To delete a project, click My Projects on the home page. For the project you want to delete, click Delete on the right side of its project card.
    You see a confirmation message to include subprojects. You can view the deleted project by clicking Deleted Projects on the home page. A project remains deleted for up to 30 days, during which you can restore the project. After 30 days, a deleted project is permanently deleted. A line on the project card shows the number of days remaining before the project is deleted permanently.
  2. To restore a deleted project, click Deleted Projects on the home page. For the project you want to restore, click Restore on the right side of the project card.
    The project is restored and can be viewed from My Projects or All Projects. If an individual project is deleted and later restored, parent/child connections to other projects do not get restored. However, if a project is deleted along with its subprojects, the entire structure is restored.

Assign People

You can assign the project manager and view the owner.

  1. Click People.
  2. Work with these fields:

    Field Name Description
    Project Manager

    To add a manager, enter the name or click to search. You can also use drag.

    For an existing manager, click to select Properties or Remove.

    If you click the manager name, you can open it in the compass with any supported 3DDashboard app.


    The owner of the project. The project owner can change the ownership to any platform user, even a non-project member. A Leader can also modify this field.

    Click to view the properties.