Composites Braiding

What's New

Composites Braiding Basics

Related Guides and Resources

Composites Braiding Access to Content

Offline Mode

User Interface

Plies Design Section

Producibility Section

Solids and Top Surfaces from Plies Section

Shape Tools Section

Review Section

Predefined Queries

Introductory Concepts

About Composites Geometry

About the Import/Export of External Data

About Plies in Composites Braiding

About Rosette and Rosette Transfer Type

About Laminates

About Geometry Extraction

About On the Fly Information

Defining the Composites Parameters

Adding a Domain to a Material

Upgrading Models to Extended Laminate Data Representation

Adding Materials

Adding Directions

Adding Laminates

Adding Rosettes

Defining a Main Stacking Sequence

Adding Ramp Definitions

Upgrading Models to Ramp Definition

Import, Export, and Manage External Data

Preparing for Import/Export of Files

Manage the Traceability of VPM Documents

Creating Plies

Defining a Plies Group

Creating Plies Manually


Creating a Producibility for Braiding

Inspecting the Producibility

Generating a Braiding Surface

Using Shape Tools

Creating Points

Creating a Point Using Coordinates

Creating a Point on a Curve

Creating a Point on a Plane

Creating a Point on a Surface

Creating a Point Using the Center of a Circle/Sphere/Ellipse

Creating a Point Tangent on a Curve

Creating a Point Between Two Points

Creating Lines

Creating a Line Between Two Points

Creating a Line Using a Point and a Direction

Creating a Line Normal to a Curve

Creating a Line Tangent to a Curve

Creating a Line Normal to a Surface

Creating a Line at the Bisection of Two Lines

Creating Planes

Creating a Plane Offset From another Plane

Creating a Plane Parallel to a Plane and through a Point

Creating a Plane Normal to another Plane

Creating a Plane Through Three Points

Creating a Plane Through Two Lines

Creating a Plane Through a Point and a Line

Creating a Plane Through a Planar Curve

Creating a Plane Normal to a Curve

Creating a Plane Tangent to a Surface

Creating a Plane Using an Equation

Creating a Mean Plane Through Points

Creating a Plane Between two Planes

Creating Circles

Creating a Circle with a Center and a Radius

Creating a Circle with a Center and a Point

Creating a Circle with Two Points and a Radius

Creating a Circle with Three Points

Creating a Circle with a Center and an Axis

Creating a Bitangent Circle (with Two Elements)

Creating a Bitangent Circle (with at least a Point)

Creating a Tritangent Circle

Creating a Circle with a Center Element and a Tangent Curve

Smoothing Curves

Extracting Elements

Joining Curves or Surfaces

Healing Geometry

Simplifying Surfaces

Creating a Contour


Displaying Information on the Fly

Using the Stacking Management

Using the Stacking Management 2D Viewer and Options

Selecting Plies in Stacking Management

Selecting Core Samples in Stacking Management

Reviewing Area, Length and Center of Gravity

Displaying Information in the Stacking Management

Filtering Rows in the Stacking Management

Editing Rows in the Stacking Management

Moving Rows in the Stacking Management

Performing Cut/Copy/Paste in the Stacking Management

Previewing Entities in the Stacking Management

Using the Stacking Management in Selection Mode

Creating Core Samples

Editing Core Samples

Previewing the Rosette

Displaying the Fiber Direction

Reference Information

Composites Braiding Composites Forming File-Based Design Import

Composites Braiding Composites Forming Database Design Import