Characteristics on Parts

The characteristics page on parts displays the list of characteristics and its details that are associated to that part depending on the criteria definition.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author
  • App-Specific: Product Data Originator

To access this page:

  1. From the category menu on home page, click Parts.
  2. Open a part and from the category menu, click Characteristics.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


The characteristics are grouped based on the category. The characteristics that are mandatory are displayed with .

CategoryDisplays the role of the characteristic.
Sequence OrderDisplays the order of the characteristic.
TitleDisplays the title of the characteristic.
DimensionDisplays the interface applied on the characteristic.
MinimumDisplays the minimum value required for the characteristic.
Included MinDisplays one of the following:
  • True: Indicates that you can enter the value ranging from the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

    For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value from 2 to 10, even 2 and 10.

  • False: Indicates that you can enter the value that ranges between the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

    For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value 2–10 but not 2 or 10.

ValueDisplays the value on the characteristic.

Multiple values are shown separated by commas. Double-click the cell to view the multiple views panel. In this panel, you can add, edit, or remove values.

To add a value, enter the value and click +. To edit an existing value, click the value, edit it, and click +. Close the panel and click Save in the Characteristics page to save the values.

MaximumDisplays the maximum value required for the characteristic.
Included MaxDisplays one of the following:
  • True: Indicates that you can enter the value ranging from the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

    For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value from 2 to 10, even 2 and 10.

  • False: Indicates that you can enter the value that ranges between the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

    For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value 2–10 but not 2 or 10.

Display UnitDisplays the unit selected on the characteristic.
PrecisionDisplays the precision selected on the characteristic.
PriorityDisplays the priority available on the characteristic.
DescriptionDisplays the description of the characteristic.
NotesDisplays the characteristic notes of the characteristic.
Missed Target Action RequiredDisplays the action to be taken care when the test target is missed for the characteristic.
Characteristic MasterDisplays the characteristic master from which the characteristic is created.
Test MethodDisplays the test methods related to the characteristic. If more than one test method is related to the characteristic, then the name of one of the test methods is appended with the remaining count.
  • You can add or remove test methods to the characteristic only if you have access to edit the characteristic.
  • On clicking the test method, you can view the properties of the test method and the documents that are attached to it.
Overwrite Allowed on ChildIndicates if overwrite is allowed on child.

Action/ Toolbar Commands

Create Characteristic Creates a characteristic and associates itself to that particular part. For more information, see Creating a Characteristic.
Create from Master Creates a characteristic from the master. For more information, see Creating Characteristics from Master on Parts.
Evaluate Characteristic Attaches the characteristics that satisfy the criteria definition. For more information, see Evaluating a Criteria.
Delete Characteristic Deletes the selected characteristic.
Note: Mandatory characteristics cannot be deleted.
EditEdits the characteristic details. To edit a characteristic:
  1. Double click the attribute of the characteristic that you want to edit.
  2. Click Save on the right corner of toolbar.
Edit View Columns Resequences the characteristics, changes the width of the column, or shows and hides the column in the page. For more information, see Editing the View of Columns.
ExportExports the characteristics to a CSV file. For more information, see Exporting Characteristics.
FilterDisplays the characteristics as per the text specified in the filter box.
Note: Enter minimum 3 characters in the filter box.
Resequencing characteristics using drag and dropRearranges the characteristics in same or different categories using drag and drop. The rearrangement updates the category count.

Select a characteristic, drag the characteristic within the same category. The selected characteristic is moved to a different row and the sequence number is reordered.

  • You can select multiple characteristics.
  • You cannot drag the characteristics across the categories that are created using characteristic master.
  • You cannot drop a characteristic on a category.

When a new characteristic is created using Create Characteristic, Create From Master or Evaluate Criteria, one of the following takes place:

  • The characteristic is assigned the highest sequence number in the category to which it belongs and the category count is updated.
  • If the characteristic belongs to a different category, the characteristic is added at the bottom of the characteristic table and the sequence number is updated.

Resequencing categories using drag and dropRearranges the categories using drag and drop.

Select a category, and drag it to the required location. The category is moved and the sequence number is updated.

  • You can select multiple categories and change their sequence.
  • You cannot drag a category on a characteristic.

When you select different types of objects such as: characteristic, category, or part; the objects are moved based on the type of row to which you drag them.

For example: If you select few characteristics, categories and a part, and drag the characteristics, then only characteristics are moved. The other objects are not moved.