Print Number |
The auto-generated name of the controlled print. |
Status | The status of the controlled print:Reason | Description |
Issued | The controlled print has been issued to the print recipients. | Failed | The controlled print was not successfully issued to the print recipients. This could be because of a database error during creation, failure during PDF generation, or failure during download of the generated PDF. | Recall Initiated | A recall of the controlled print has been initiated, but not yet acknowledged by the print recipients or a Document Center Administrator. | Recalled | The controlled print recall has been acknowledged and it is recalled from all print recipients. |
Print Date |
The date on which the controlled print was created. |
Print Recipient |
The name of the person who received the controlled print. |
Print Reason | The reason that the controlled print was created:Reason | Description |
Production | The controlled print was created to put the document into production. | Review | The controlled print was created for review of the document. | Training | The controlled print of the document was created for training. |
Issued by | The name of the person who created the controlled print. |
Print File Name | The name of the file used to create the controlled print. |
Source This column only appears if you accessed the Controlled Print Report for multiple controlled documents instead of a single controlled document. | The name of the controlled document from which the controlled print was created. |