Controlled Print Report

The Controlled Print Report lists all of the controlled prints issued for released controlled documents. You only see this category if you have the Document Center Administrator role.

Important: This app stores personal data in some settings. To follow good personal data management practices, Business Administrators might need to edit these settings to remove personal data, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

To access this page:

  1. Click .
  2. In the navigation pane, click Controlled Print Report.


  1. Click .
  2. In the Controlled Print column, click the number of controlled prints created for the document.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
About Controlled Prints
Creating a Controlled Print


Columns Description
Print Number The auto-generated name of the controlled print.
StatusThe status of the controlled print:

IssuedThe controlled print has been issued to the print recipients.
FailedThe controlled print was not successfully issued to the print recipients. This could be because of a database error during creation, failure during PDF generation, or failure during download of the generated PDF.
Recall InitiatedA recall of the controlled print has been initiated, but not yet acknowledged by the print recipients or a Document Center Administrator.
RecalledThe controlled print recall has been acknowledged and it is recalled from all print recipients.

Print Date The date on which the controlled print was created.
Print Recipient The name of the person who received the controlled print.
Print ReasonThe reason that the controlled print was created:

ProductionThe controlled print was created to put the document into production.
ReviewThe controlled print was created for review of the document.
TrainingThe controlled print of the document was created for training.

Issued byThe name of the person who created the controlled print.
Print File NameThe name of the file used to create the controlled print.

This column only appears if you accessed the Controlled Print Report for multiple controlled documents instead of a single controlled document.

The name of the controlled document from which the controlled print was created.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
SearchAllows you to search for controlled prints.Searching for Controlled Prints
Reset Removes the filtered results of a search for controlled prints and returns the page to the default display.-
RecallAllows you to recall the selected controlled prints that are now obsolete or were sent to the wrong recipient.Recalling a Controlled Print
(Acknowledge Recall)

Only appears for users who were issued controlled prints that have been recalled and for Document Center Administrators.

Allows the user to whom the controlled print was issued (or the Document Center Administrator for external contacts who do not have access to the app) to acknowledge the recall of the controlled print.Acknowledging a Recalled Controlled Print
Set FailedSet the controlled print as Failed.-