Human Activity Contextual Command Toolbar

The primary area of the Human Activity provides commands for defining activities.

Create GET
Using GET creates a macro activity that could comprise of walking, reaching, picking and body motions that enables a manikin to reach the products or resources.
See Creating a GET or REACH Activity.

Create PUT
Using PUT creates a macro activity and removes the attached relationship of the part with the manikin and places the object that it has previously picked using the GET activity.
See Using Create PUT.

Create REACH
Creates a REACH macro activity comprising of Walk, Reach, Grasp and Body motions that enables a manikin to reach products or resources.
See Creating a GET or REACH Activity.

Creates a USETOOL macro activity that could be comprised of Walking, Body Motions, Moves, and Re-grasping and enables the manikin to use tools picked by GET.
See Creating or Editing a USETOOL Activity.

A OPERATE activity creates a macro activity comprising of Body Motions, or Move Devices. The move is based on the resource selection.
See Using OPERATE.

Create GOTO
Create a GOTO macro activity comprising of walk that enables manikin locomotion.
See Using the GOTO Activity.

Using GESTURES creates a macro activity comprising of Body Motions that enables posture movement.
See Creating a GESTURE Activity.

You can create a climb ladder activity.
  • A 300 mm step height is a recommended rung spacing for a ladder.
  • Before launching ensure that:
    • Create New Task or edit a existing task.
    • Manikin is positioned in such a way that it is neither too close nor too far away from the ladder.
    • Manikin is oriented towards the ladder.
    • Manikin's hand segments should be on the ladder which can be done using Gesture/Reach .
See Creating a Climb Ladder Activity.

You can create a climb stairs activity.
  • The maximum allowed step height for climbing a stair with multiple steps is 300 mm.
  • Before launching ensure that:
    • Create New Task or edit a existing task.
    • Manikin is positioned in such a way that it is neither too close nor too far away from the stairs.
    • Manikin is oriented towards the stairs.
See Creating a Climb Stairs Activity.