Creating a PUT Activity
This procedure shows you how to use Create PUT.
Creating a PUT ActivityThis procedure shows you how to use Create PUT.
Defining a PUT Trajectory Using an Existing TrackYou can define a PUT trajectory using an existing track.
Defining PUT Trajectory Using a New TrackYou can define the PUT trajectory by creating the new track.
PUT Trajectory Definition - Regrasp and Reposition Between ShotsThis describes the Create PUT Trajectory Definition -Regrasp and Reposition between shots.
PUT Trajectory Definition - Cumulative SnapTo precisely place or align an object, use the Cumulative Snap command. Once the final position defines, the viewer updates to show the arm segments reaching the object.
Sensor-Based GET and PUTThis provides the capability for the GET and PUT commands to work with simulation sensors. The Manikin is able to pick and place multiple instances of the product (work-pieces) produced by a source.