Expands the bookmark structure to show all children.
Refresh and Collapse
Refreshes the selected bookmark's content and collapses the bookmark.
Removes a bookmark from the bookmark structure.
Sheet Editor
Opens a bookmark in the Sheet Editor to view and edit information and attributes.
Lets you view and edit the attributes and the parameters of the bookmark.
Cut and Paste
Cuts a bookmark and pastes it under another bookmark.
Copy and Paste
Copies a bookmark and pastes it under another bookmark.
Permanently deletes a bookmark.
Paste as Multiple Instances
Pastes instances of a copied item under the selected item, as many times as defined in
the Paste as Multiple Instances panel that opens when the command
is selected.
If the copied item implements a product, the copied instances also implement
this product.
This only works when one item is stored in the clipboard. An error message
displays if the clipboard contains no or several items.
Insert > Insert New Bookmark
Inserts a new bookmark under the selected bookmark.
Opens the PPR object in read-only mode in a new authoring tab.
Selection Mode
The following options are available:
Select Inversion
Select Children
Select Others
Select All
Select Parent
Select Siblings
Search In Context
Enables you to search parts in context of an explored assembly, to have a minimal
number of results and to explore the selected search results directly in the selected
assembly context.
Tree Expansion
The following options are available:
Expand First Level
Expand Second Level
Expand All
Expand Selection
Select Under
Finds and selects specific nodes below the current selection.
Centers a selected PPR object in the 3D or makes a selected 3D object's tree node
Keeps selected branches and objects in the tree: all others are removed.
Removes a child node from the tree. The menu on a root under a fake node contains the
Remove Tree command instead. This removes the root and all the
tree nodes below it.
Lets you view and edit the attributes and parameters of a PPR object.