Opening an Export Record

You can access the details related to an export record.

Required access role:

  • Baseline: Leader

Before you begin: The following must exist:
  • IP Export Classification Document.
  • The number of occurrences cannot exceed the number of allowed occurrences.
See Also
Creating Export Records
IP Security Log Records
  1. Make sure IP Export Control Management is the active app.
  2. In the navigation pane, click IP Security Log Records.
  3. Click the chart data to display the respective data on the left side of the page.

    Note: To go to the related document, select the link to the document in the Related Export Document column.

  4. Select the security record.
    Category Name Page Tabs Description For More Information
    IP Security Record Name Lists the details of the export record. Export Record Properties
    Files Lists the attached files associated to the export record. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide File List for a Versioning Document
    File Versions Provides the visibility of versions of various files associated with the export record. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide File Versions Page
    History Lists a log of events that have occurred. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Viewing History for Content
    Lifecycle Lifecycle Shows the lifecycle of the export record and its current lifecycle state. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    Task/Signatures Lists the task/signatures related to the export record. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Tasks/Signatures Page Tab
    Approvals Lists the approvals related to the export record. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Approvals Page Tab
    Discussions Lists the discussions related to the export record. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Discussions Page
    Referenced By Lists every object that uses or in some way references the security exception/document.
    Customer Extensions Allows a customer to identify additional attributes.