What's New

This section describes recent changes in Assembly Evaluation.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Editing Exclusion List

The Exclusion List for Dynamic Clash Detection capability is now supported in Assembly Evaluation.
Benefits: You can take advantage of the operation buildup and identify objects to exclude from collision detection when managing Tracks authoring and simulation. Managing Exclusion List's objects saves you from having to hide and show objects that should not be checked for collision during simulation.
For more information, see Edit Clash Detection

Kinematic Track Enhancements

The New Kinematic Track command has been enhanced with the following capabilities:
  • Use Home Position: You can use a home position defined on the resource by choosing one of the home positions available in the list for the current mechanism in the Kinematic Track: Track Authoring dialog box.
  • Restore Nominal Values: You can reset the default Degree of Freedom (DOF) of the mechanism and its components in the Kinematic Track: Track Authoring dialog box.
  • Modify and Delete Trajectory points (T-Points): You can author a Track to start from any posture reachable by the mechanism by using the Modify and Delete commands in the context toolbar of the Kinematic Track: Track Authoring dialog box.
Benefits: You can use this functionnality to obtain complete simulation behavior by defining kinematic Track for a resource that can start from any posture of the kinematic mechanism and not necessarily from the default posture.
For more information, seeCreating a Kinematic Track

Updating Tracks to Support Resource Position Modifications on Operations

You can update the Track under a selected operation so that the Track position matches the resource position during the simulation. Right-click the operation, and from the context menu, click Update Track for resource position .
In addition, you can use the Track Update Status B.I. Essentials to verify inconsistencies between the product build-up, that is, the resource position, and the Tracks under operations.
Benefits: You are now able to manage the update of Tracks under operations after modifying the resource position. In addition, by selecting the Track Update Status B.I., colors are applied to the operations depending on whether the Track matches the resource position or not.
For more information, seeUpdate Tracks for Resource PositionTrack Update Status

R2022x GA

Managing Documents on Manufacturing Objects

You can now manage attachments and specifications through the reference link of any manufacturing object using the Documents command.
Benefits: The addition of the Documents command allows you to manage document attachments from rich client authoring sessions.

Loading an Item's Implemented Products

A new Load Implemented Products context menu command lets you load, on the fly, the product structure from an item. It is available on Manufacturing Assemblies and Provided Parts with multiselection capabilities.
Benefits: This allows you, during planning, to use the Measure command and other commands which require the 3D representation.

Simulating Resource Kinematics Associated to a Track

Assembly track behavior is extended, allowing you to select a robot or tool device containing inverse kinematics to associate to a track.
During simulation, the robot or tool device mechanism is manipulated using the inverse kinematics so that the end effector follows the movement of the moving objects on the track.
Benefits: You can associate a resource with a track. This allows the resource component position to be defined according to the moving object and to take into account the resource kinematic along with track simulation.
For more information, see Simulating Resource Kinematics Associated to a Track

B.I. Essentials: Revealing alternates or substitutes status of a Product or Manufactured Item

A new Alternates \ Substitutes Status B.I. Essentials is available.
Benefits: When this B.I. Essentials is selected, colors are applied to the Product and Manufactured Items nodes and tiles according to their alternates or substitutes status.
For more information, see Alternates and Substitutes Status

Business Logic: Adding More Alternates and Substitutes in the Manage Alternates Substitutes Panel

The DELMA_RichClient_RetrieveAdditionalAlternateSubstitutes business logic allows you to add more alternates and substitutes in the Alternates/Substitutes From Engineering Definition list in the Manage Alternates Substitutes panel.
Benefits: Improves the visibility of alternates and substitutes presence.
For more information, see DELMA_RichClient_RetrieveAdditionalAlternateSubstitutes

Customizing the List of Item Subsets When Adding New Items in the Manage Alternates Substitutes Panel

You can now customize item subsets lists when adding a new item to the Alternates/Substitutes From Engineering Definition list of the Manage Alternates Substitutes panel by creating a new document in the ENOVIA Document Management app.
Benefits: This gives you access to an administrative setting to define the subset of Item object types (default or subtypes) that display in the Manufacturing Alternates Substitutes panel's New MID Creation list.