Animation Section

The Animation section provides commands for creating, editing, and animating humans.

Create Animation
Creates an empty animation with a timeline.
On the timeline, place the cursor where you want to add a keyframe. Use the Posture panel to change the posture of the human, and then click Add keyframe in the Edit animation panel.

Note: The animation always starts at 0 second.

See Creating and Editing an Animation.

Combine Postures into Animation
Creates life-like human animations by combining existing postures.
See Combining Postures as an Animation.

Capture Body Movements
Creates basic animations by capturing simple movements of a human's body.
See Capturing Body Movements.

Export Animation
Exports the selected animation as a BVH file.
See Exporting an Animation as a BVH File.

Import Animation
Imports a BVH file as an animation in the app.
See Importing a BVH File.
Add Animation from Library
Opens the animation library panel.
See Adding an Animation.