Opening a Hazard

You can access all the information related to a hazard.

  1. List hazards. See Hazard Details.
  2. Click the name of a hazard.

    Category Name


    For More Information

    (name)Click the name to show the properties for the hazard.Hazard Properties Page
    Reduction OptionsLists the options that can be applied in the Reduction process of a hazard.Hazard Reduction Options
    RequirementsLists the requirements and documents associated to the hazard for its mitigation.Requirements and Documents
    Related HazardsLists all new hazards generated because of the mitigation of the current hazard.See Hazard Details.
    TasksLists the associated tasks that are created for mitigating the hazard.Working the Structured View
    Risk RPNShows the risk RPN table.
    Reference DocumentsLists all reference documents associated with the hazard.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Documents