Opening a Reported Part

You can access the information related to a Reported Part.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader, Reader
  • App-specific: Compliance Reviewer, Compliance Engineer, Senior Compliance Engineer

  1. View the properties page for the Material Declaration associated with the required reported part. For more information, see Material Declaration Properties.
  2. In the Reported Part field, click the name of the part. You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to the Part.

    Category Name Description For More Information
    Reported Part nameLists the properties that define the reported part.Reported Part Properties
    Compliance Properties Shows the compliance properties for the part.Compliance Properties
    Compliance PowerView Displays the compliance PowerView, a series of tabs that display different information about the part. Working With the Compliance PowerView
    Reference DocumentsLists the reference documents for the part.Reference Documents Page
    HistoryLists the actions taken on this material. Includes dates and user information.3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Viewing History for Content
    LifecycleShows the lifecycle state, tasks/signatures, routes, and approvals for the material. Manufacturer Equivalent Lifecycle

    3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Lifecycles

    RoutesShows routes for the reported part.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Routes Page and Routes Summary Page