Report Type
Choose the export report type. You only
see the report types for the data management options you
use. Many of the report types add fields to this dialog box.
For more information, see 3.
Selected Parts
For information only. Lists the parts
selected to export. The part is identified by Name, Rev, and Plant (for
plant-specific parts).
Select the compliance definition used
to filter substances in the export from the list.
Substances to
Lists all the calculated substances
referenced in the selected configuration of the part BOM, including any
substances in materials directly associated with component parts or in selected
equivalent MEPs. If there are no substances then it shows "no substances
Manually de-select any substances you do not want to be
included in the export. When a compliance definition is selected, this list is
updated as follows:
- Lists only substances with thresholds defined in the
compliance definition
- Shows the thresholds for substances
- If the threshold is for a substance classification,
all substances with that classification are selected in this list and the
threshold for the substance classification is shown next to each of these
Export Only Substances
Exceeding Thresholds and not exempt
If this field is checked and a
compliance definition is selected, then the export includes only those selected
substances that are not exempt and cause a threshold in the selected compliance
definition to be exceeded.
Any substance in the part that is de-selected (either
manually or via the selection of a compliance definition) is reported as a
miscellaneous substance.
Report Level
Choose how many levels of enterprise parts in a BOM to export. By
default, all levels of the BOM are exported unless you
change the level. When a level other than All is selected,
no part below that level of the BOM is exported. Instead,
the materials of the parts below that level of the BOM are
rolled up and reported under the part at that level.
For the IPC 1752A and IPC 1754 reports, the report
level is automatically set to Level 2 and above.
Include Sub-tiers in the
Select the Include Sub-tiers in the Export
check box to include the subtiers of a part in the export.
By default, this option is selected. Note:
You cannot include
the subtiers of a part to export for the IPC 1752
Customer Program
Select a customer program for the
export. Determines the corresponding customer part number object associated
with each top level enterprise part. Multiple customer program selections are
allowed only for IMDS.
Suppress Material Trade Name
and Manufacturer
Allows you to suppress the export of
the material trade name and material manufacturer when materials are exported.
Applies to all export report types.
Export Minimum/Maximum
Weight |
Select Yes to export the minimum or
maximum weight. Otherwise select No. |