Downstream RequirementsYou can decompose high-level requirements into individual detailed low-level requirements so that they can be partitioned and allocated to products and features. Downstream requirements allow you to decompose requirements into the necessary levels of detail while retaining complete traceability among the various levels. High-level requirements that are refined into low-level requirements are called covered requirements. A covered requirement might be expressed at the customer level and will be satisfied by lower-level requirements, perhaps at the system and sub-system levels, for example. The lower-level requirements are called refining requirements since they provide additional information about the higher-level, covered requirement. Sub RequirementsSub requirements are simple child objects of the parent requirement. They have no covering or refining relationship with the parent requirement. Parenthood Link StatusIt is important to be able to quickly determine the validity of the links between a parent requirement and all of its child sub requirements. Since there can be several sub requirements, each with its own link to the parent requirement, Traceable Requirements Management shows you the worst link status between a parent requirement and all of its sub requirements in the requirements list and on the requirement page. You can view the Overview Page for the specific requirement to see the parenthood link statuses for all sub requirements and downstream requirements. The possible parenthood link statuses for sub requirements are:
You can quickly determine the status of the parent relationship between a sub requirement and its parent requirement by looking at the color of the sub requirement's 'From' link ( |