User Interface

The 3D Merchandising home page provides you access to navigate, browse, and manage the 3D Merchandising objects. This page displays multiple tabs based on your roles and access permissions.

To access this page:

  1. From the Compass, click Social and Collaborative Apps and select 3D Merchandising.

    The 3D Merchandising home page appears. It displays multiple categories, each for a specific object. For more information, see 3D Merchandising Basic Concepts.

Assortments Lists all available assortments and lets you manage them.
Products Lists all available products and lets you manage them.
Representations Lists all available representations and lets you manage them.
Gondolas Lists all available gondolas and lets you manage them.
Stores Lists all available stores and lets you manage them.
ScenesLists all available scenes and lets you manage them.
StoryboardsLists all available storyboards and lets you manage them.
Furniture > All AssetsLists all available furniture and lets you manage them.
Retail > Retail StoresLists all available retail stores and lets you manage them.
Retail > Retail CategoriesLists all available retail categories and lets you manage them.
Retail > Retail ClustersLists all available retail clusters and lets you manage them.