You can configure which access roles are required for users to transfer
ownership. You can define the access roles required for transferring the individual
components of ownership, person, organization, and collaborative space, independently of
each other, or you can restrict all ownership transfers to the person who is responsible
for the content.
Within a collaborative space, users work as a single team. Any member of a collaborative
space has the same credentials as any other user assigned to the same collaborative
space with the same role. Content is owned by the organization and collaboration space
defined by the active credentials of the user that created who content. That content can
be modified by any other user with the required access level who is assigned to the
collaborative space and organization that own the content.
Any content that does not have a Owner attribute is not intended to be
transferrable. Consequently, transfer of ownership does not apply to Port, Connection
and Instance as they are not visible by either searching or exploring.
Ownership cannot be transferred by non-administrative access roles if any of these
conditions exist: