Options Tab

The Options tab of the Enterprise Variability page list all of the option groups and options available to all model versions.

To access this page, in the left navigation pane, select Enterprise Variability, then select the Options tab.

This page discusses:


The following columns are displayed when the option groups and options are displayed in the Data Grid View.
Column Description
Color This is the color associated with the options group object type in 6WTags.
Notes: This column is not visible in the data grid by default. If you show it in the data grid, it is always pinned to the left side. You must enable the Colorize option for the Type predicate in 6WTags to show the color tags in this column.
Title The option group's or option's title. Click to open the option. On most devices, double-click with a delay to edit the option group's title inline. On touch devices, touch to edit the option group's title inline.
Name The automatically generated name of the option group or option. It cannot be edited.
Description The detailed description of the option group's or option's. This is a user-friendly way to identify the object. Click in the column to edit the description inline.
Maturity State The lifecycle state of the option group or option. Click the hyperlink in the column to edit the maturity.
Responsible The person who owns the option group or option. Click the hyperlink in the column to edit the owner, organization, and collaborative space.
Creation Date The date on which the option group or option was created.
Modification Date The date on which the option group or option was last edited.
Collabspace The collaborative space to which the option group or option belongs.
Organization The organization to which the option group or option belongs. Click the hyperlink in the column to edit the organization.
Action The actions available for the option group or option.
Note: You can configure which columns are visible in the data grid view and how wide their content is. For more information, see Configuring the Data Grid View.

Page Actions

You can access the following actions from the Options Group tab toolbar:

Action Description For More Information
Search Filters the objects displayed to only those whose Title contains the characters that you enter. Filtering Listed Items by Title
Create Option Group Creates a new option group. Creating an Option Group
Delete Deletes the selected options group or options.
Group Allows you to group the option groups listed in the Data Grid View by one of the following criteria:
  • Maturity State
  • Responsible
Note: This action is only available when the page is displayed in Data Grid View.
View Selects the view for option groups and options. Data Views
Sort Sorts the option groups alphabetically or reverse alphabetically by any column other than Color or Action.

Option Group Context Actions

You can access the following actions from each option group's context menu and Action menu.

Action Description For More Information
Open Opens the option group. Opening an Option Group
Create Option Creates a option for the option group. Creating an Option
Maturity Opens the Maturity dialog box for the option group, where you can promote or demote it to another maturity state. Changing Maturity
Move To Opens the Move dialog box for the option group, where you can change its organization, collaborative space, or owner. Moving Objects to Another Collaborative Space or Organization
Relations Opens the Relations app showing the objects related to the option group. Relations
Information Opens the option group properties in a new pane. Option Group Information Pane
Delete Deletes the option group.

Options Context Actions

You can access the following actions from each option's context menu and Action menu.

Action Description For More Information
Move To Opens the Move dialog box for the option, where you can change its organization, collaborative space, or owner. Moving Objects to Another Collaborative Space or Organization
Relations Opens the Relations app showing the objects related to the option. Relations
Information Opens the option's properties in a new pane. Variant Value Information Pane
Delete Deletes the option.