Opening a Contract Template

You can access these categories for a contract template.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader
  • App-specific: Global User

Before you begin: List the app categories for Program and Contract Management.
See Also
Opening a Contract
Creating a Contract
  1. Select a contract template to open.
  2. Click to view the navigation pane. You can use these categories to view more details related to the contract template.
    Category NamePage TabsDescriptionFor More Information
    Contract Template NamePropertiesLists the details of the contract template.Contract Template Properties
    History Shows the history of actions related to the contract template. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Viewing History for Content
    LifecycleShows the current lifecycle state of the contract template.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    CollaborationDecisionsLists the decisions related to the contract template.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Decisions Page
    DiscussionsLists the discussions related to the contract template.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Discussions Page
    MeetingsLists the meetings related to the contract template.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Meetings Page
    SubscriptionsLists the subscriptions related to the contract template.
    SharingLists the people who can access the contract template.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Sharing Page
    BookmarksLists the four bookmarks that are automatically created when a contract is created: Contract Documentation, DAL, Incoming Correspondence, and Outgoing Correspondence.
    Parts & SectionsLists the contract parts and sections that are automatically created when a contract is created.Contract Parts and Sections
    PropertiesPropertiesLists the details of the contract template.Contract Template Properties
    HistoryShows the history of actions related to the contract template. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Viewing History for Content
    LifecycleShows the current lifecycle state of the contract template.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    RevisionsShows the revisions for the contract template.
    Routes & ApprovalsRoutesShows the routes for the contract template lifecycle.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    ApprovalsLists the contract template approvals.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Approvals Page Tab
    Customer ExtensionsLists the additional attributes identified by a customer.