Opening a File

You can access all the information related to a file.

Required access roles: If you have access to the document, you have access to its files.

  1. Open the required document. See Opening a Document.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Files.
  3. Click the name of the required file. You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to the file.

    Category Name Description For More Information
    File name Lists the properties that define the file. File Properties Page
    Document Sheets Lists the document sheets for the document. Only shows if the document type supports document sheets. Documents and Content
    Where Used Shows the objects that contain the file. Where Used or Collaboration List
    Issues Lists issues related to the file. Issues Summary/Issues Category
    Versions Shows version information for the document. File Versions Page
    Lifecycle Shows the states for the document, including its current state. Lifecycle Page
    Revisions Shows revision information. Only shows if the document type supports revisioning. Document Revisions Page
    History Shows history information about the file. Viewing History for Content
    Change Management Shows any change orders, change requests, change actions, or legacy change objects associated with the document. Change Management User's Guide
    Images Views and manages images associated with the file. Images Page
    PLM Actions Only shows if the document is an AI Sketch and you use an Adobe Integration app. Lists the available actions. --