Opening a Document

You can access all the information related to a document.

Required access roles: If you have access to an object, you have access to its documents.

  1. Open the parent item.
  2. In the navigation pane, click the name of the category that lists documents, such as Reference Documents, Attachments, or Specifications.
  3. Click the name of the required document. You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to the document.

    The available categories vary depending on the type of document.

    Category Name Description For More Information
    Document name Shows the properties for the document (this page). Document Properties and Files Page
    Where Used Shows the objects that contain the document. IP Classification User's Guide
    Approvals Lists the states and approvals for a document. Approvals page for the specific app
    Files Shows the files checked into the document. For versioning documents, see File List for a Versioning Document.
    Reference Documents Lists additional documents used as references for this document. Reference Documents
    File Versions Shows version information for the document. File Versions Page
    Revisions Shows revision information. Document Revisions Page
    Issues Shows issues related to the Document. Also shows related issues if the parent part is connected to any items using the Classified Item relationship. Issues Summary/Issues Category
    Routes Shows routes involving the document and provides access to create a new route. Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Retention Schedules Only shows if IP Classification is used. Lists the Retention Schedules that this document has been added to. IP Classification User's Guide
    Discussions Shows the discussions related to the document. Discussions Page for an Object
    Document Sheets Lists the document sheets for the document. (Does not show for all types of Documents.) Documents and Content
    Lifecycle Shows the states for the document, including its current state. Lifecycle Page
    Sharing Lists who the Document is shared with, and what privileges they have. Sharing Page
    History Shows history information about the document. Viewing History for Content
    Change Management Shows any change orders, change requests, change actions, or legacy change objects associated with the document. Change Management User's Guide
    Classification Only shows if IP Classification is used. Lists the classifications that this document has been added to. IP Classification User's Guide
    Referenced By Only shows if IP Classification is used. Lists the objects, such as Bookmark Roots or libraries, that reference this document. IP Classification User's Guide: Viewing Where an Object is Used (Referenced By)
    Images Opens the image manager. Images Page
    Translations Only shows if Services Management is used. Lists the translated versions of the document. Services Management User's Guide
    Impacted Business Unit Only shows if Services Management is used, and only shows for a Business Document. Lists the business units that are impacted by the contents of the document. Services Management User's Guide
    Impact Graph Only shows if Process Composer is used. Process Composer User's Guide: Viewing an Impact Graph for a Simulation Process or a Simulation Activity
    PLM Actions Only shows if the document is an AI Sketch and you use an Adobe Integration app. Lists the available actions. --