Opening a Note

You can access all the information related to a note. Notes are available only if you use Defect Management and Collaboration.

  1. Open the required Bookmark Root. See Opening a Bookmark Root.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Notes.
  3. Click the name of the required note. You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to the note.

    Category Name Description For More Information
    Note name Shows the Properties page for the note. Properties Page for a Note
    History Shows a log of events that have occurred for the note. Viewing History for Content
    Lifecycle Shows the states for the note, including its current state. Lifecycle Page
    Reference Documents Lists the documents associated with the engineering change. Documents and Content
    Reported Against Shows the objects that the note is reported against. Reported Against Page for an Issue
    Discussions Shows message threads created for the note. Discussions Page
    Routes Lists the active routes for the note that you created or have a task for. Routes Page and Routes Summary Page