What's New

This section describes recent changes in Work Instructions.

This page discusses:

R2022x GA

Manipulating Components

There are two options and their statuses:

  • Free manipulation: this option allows you to freely move the selected component in the default plane only (all other iconic options are disabled when selected.) You cannot freely rotate the component.

    The default plane defines by the current view (top, bottom, left, right, back, front, iso).

    Note: The default plane is the plane of the screen for the iso view.
  • With respect to constraints: this option allows you to move or rotate the selected component by respecting its assembly constraints.
    Note: With this option, the following component orientations in the engineering connection are not accounted for: Position first component or Position second component.

For more information, see Manipulating Items along with Detecting Clashes.

Benefits: Easier and quicker manipulation of geometry.
Document Management
You have more control over the management of documents associated with Work Instructions. Documents can now be associated as attachments or as specifications.

This replaces the existing Attach Document in the Instruction Tools section of the Action Bar.

For more information, see Instruction ToolsPrimary Area.

Associating Dressup to Textual Instructions
Providing the ability to associate Textual Instructions (Text, Data Collects, Alert, Sign Off) with Dressup (excluding Measures, Sections, and Associated View Picture). This is in addition to the existing ability of associating with Views, to increase the clarity of the Textual Instructions.

The association between Dressup and Textual Instructions is seen:

  • In the Textual Instruction and Dressup panels (overlay indicators)
  • During the PLM Play (associated Instructions and Views are played together)
  • In the Generate Documentation output (associated Instructions and Views are listed together in the standard HTML output)

For more information, see Using the Instruction Assignment Manager.

Benefits: This reduces training time on for shop floor workers and also reduces mistakes/rework.
Managing Operations Navigation
The Operation Sequencer User Interface look is changed to make it minimalistic.
  • The operation-icons are listed according to the sequence mode defined in Me-Preferences (no change on the existing behavior).Preferences, Display, Operation Filmstrip, Operation Sequence, Display sequence based on Time/tree order.
  • A single arrow (blue color in right picture) to indicate the flow of operations.
  • The activation of operation, display of the visual cues for textual-instructions, Views, BI remains as before.
  • New LEFT and RIGHT DIRECTION ARROWS are added in the left and right of Operation Sequencer to enable navigation to the previous and next system.

For more information, see Work Instructions Layout.

Data Collect Plan (DCP) Formula Validity Checker Panel
You can allow for identification of all the Data Collect Plan (DCP) Rows that contain invalid Formulas in the current Workplan / System. The same validity verifies when opening the Formula Editor for a particular DCP Row, is made for all Rows in the current Workplan / System.

For more information, see About Launch Data Collect Plan (DCP) Formula Validity Checker Panel

Benefits: Identify for the workplan all the Data Collect Plan rows on which a formula is invalid. Actions are proposed in the Formula Validity verification report to solve the issues. You are able to control in advanced that formulas could be computed during execution at the shopfloor.

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Saving after a Work Plan Publication with a Released Operation
If there are any Released Operations in a Workplan / System and you are performing some action that requires a save on non-Released data use the Save with Options command. An example of this is a new or modified content on the Workplan / System. This excludes the Released Operations from the save scope so that the non-Released data can save. Using Share > Save fails.

For more information, see Saving after a Work Plan Publication with a Released Operation.

Auto Saving after Publish for Review
This option is added to the Work Instructions preferences. Enabling automatic saves the data that is performed at the end of the Publish for Review command.

For more information, see Using Publish for Review.

Benefits: Allows you to reduce the number of clicks during the Publish workflow. It also reduces the number of errors (forgetting to save after publish).
Managing Graphic Properties of a Previous Item in Views
This provides:
  • Capability to define Sub-Component-Mfg-Items (SCMIs) from a monolithic Previous-Product-BuildUp-Item or Previous in System or Current Item.
  • Support ability to create Markers or change graphic-properties of subcomponent with existing commands.