Opening Contract Documentation

You can open a contract document from the Contract Part and Section that contains the contract documentation artifact. For example, Part I, Section D has contract documentation as an artifact.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, owner of the contract

Before you begin: Program and Contract Management must be the active app. To access the contract documentation, open the contract parts and sections of a contract. For more information, see Contract Parts and Sections.
See Also
Opening a Contract Part
Opening a Contract Section
  1. In the navigation pane of a contract, click UCF.
  2. Expand the listing of parts and sections to view the sections.
  3. Click the section that has contract documentation as an artifact.

    Note: The Attributes column on the UCF page lists the artifacts in each section.

  4. You can use these categories in the navigation pane to view more details related to the contract document.
    Category NamePage TabsDescriptionFor More Information
    Contract Documentation NamePropertiesLists the details of the contract document. Contract Documentation Properties
    Where UsedWhere UsedLists objects that include contract documentation.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Where Used or Collaboration List
    RelatedShows the lists of objects that are related to the contract document.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Where Used or Collaboration List
    Approvals Lists the contract documents approvals. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Approvals Page Tab
    FilesLists the files related to the contract document.
    File VersionsShows the visibility of versions of various files associated with the contract document.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide File Versions Page
    RevisionsShows the revision history of a contract document.
    IssuesLists the issues related reported against the contract document.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Issues Summary/Issues Category
    RoutesLists the routes defined for a contract document.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Discussions Lists the discussions related to the contract document. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Discussions Page
    Retention SchedulesShows the retention schedules related to the contract document.
    LifecycleLifecycleShows the lifecycle for the contract documentation, including its current state.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Lifecycle Page
    Tasks/SignaturesLists the contract documents tasks and signatures.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Tasks/Signatures Page Tab
    ApprovalsLists the contract documents approvals.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Approvals Page Tab
    SharingMakes an object visible (with or without authoring access) to individual users, organizations, or members of collaborative spaces. 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Sharing Page
    HistoryShows a log of events related to the contract document.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Viewing History for Content
    Change Management
    ClassificationShows the classification of the contract document.
    Referenced ByShows where the contract document is referenced.
    IP Security Settings IP Security Manager and IP Security Access must be installed for IP Security Settings to display.