Viewing and Editing Ingredient Properties

Every ingredient has a set of properties.

There are four types of ingredient property:

  • Profile properties define general characteristics of the ingredient, including its material name and number, its function in the formula, processing notes, and footnotes.
  • Weight properties define ingredient quantities, overages, and ordering weights. You can define the ingredient’s target level in the batch, and specify adjustments to the target level based on activity level, processing loss, and specific gravity.
  • Quantum Sufficit (QS) properties define how the ingredient's level floats to make up the difference between the percentage sum of the other ingredients and 100%.
  • Similar Materials properties define similar materials that you can use to replace the ingredient in formulas.

This task shows you how to:

See Also
About Ingredients
Adding an Ingredient to a Formula
Ingredient Properties
Expanding Composite Ingredients
Viewing and Editing Constituent Properties
Constituent Properties
Working with Similar Materials
QS Ingredients
Adjustable Ingredients